Dear all,
Actually,there was no secret.When I first enrolled,I was considered a "freak".Some people thought I was "not good enough" to read law for what I am:a former actress.To avoid strange looks from others,I chose to sit in the front row.
After that,I studied hard to prove to myself that I am not what they think.I gave up all entertainments including going to movies,watching TV and reading anything other than law books.
I spent every lunch break in the library studying,creating more time for myself while others wasted their time in the canteen.I rushed back home after school to re-organise my lecture notes and to prepare for the next day,always reading ahead.Besides,I used a tape recorder to record all the lectures so that I could listen to them while I was travelling to and from school.By listening the second or third time,you will be amazed how much you have missed while sitting at the lectures.This,if regarded as a studying tactic,should be the b
Dear all,
Actually,there was no secret.When I first enrolled,I was considered a "freak".Some people thought I was "not good enough" to read law for what I am:a former actress.To avoid strange looks from others,I chose to sit in the front row.
After that,I studied hard to prove to myself that I am not what they think.I gave up all entertainments including going to movies,watching TV and reading anything other than law books.
I spent every lunch break in the library studying,creating more time for myself while others wasted their time in the canteen.I rushed back home after school to re-organise my lecture notes and to prepare for the next day,always reading ahead.Besides,I used a tape recorder to record all the lectures so that I could listen to them while I was travelling to and from school.By listening the second or third time,you will be amazed how much you have missed while sitting at the lectures.This,if regarded as a studying tactic,should be the b
- 1英语翻译
- 2淘气和笑笑约好一起从学校到书店,但因淘气有事,笑笑先走了5分钟,淘气每分钟步行90米,而笑笑每分钟
- 3( ):40=40/( )=( )%=( )分之( )=0.5
- 4形容漂在水面 随水飘动的词语
- 5某行星的质量是地球质量的9倍,半径是地球半径的1/4倍,试计算该行星的第一宇宙速度是多大?
- 6用汗流浃背、疲惫不堪造句.
- 7乘坐空调公交车每人需投币2元,如果刷IC卡,则每次扣费1.6元.刷卡比投币便宜了百分之几?
- 8we __ all __ __that we will go for a picnic next weekend.
- 9妈妈买了2千克苹果,花了15元.苹果的总价与数量的比是_,比值是_,比值表示_.
- 10为什么铅蓄电池正负极都反应?