Students graduating from colleges today are not fully prepared to deal with the “real world”.It
(D)119.To “train students as consumers” means to enable them to______.
A.handle their credit with caution
B.plan their spending carefully so that they don’t go broke
C.make wise purchasing decisions and be informed about consumer services
D.cope with serious financial problems
(C)120.By asking “What better place to accomplish this than in college?” the writer means that _______.
A.the best place to train students to deal with personal financial issues is in college
B.students should be trained to enter the real world after they graduate from college
C.students can best be trained in business and economics in college
D.students should be taught to cope with the difficult problems they will be facing after graduation
(D)119.To “train students as consumers” means to enable them to______.
A.handle their credit with caution
B.plan their spending carefully so that they don’t go broke
C.make wise purchasing decisions and be informed about consumer services
D.cope with serious financial problems
(C)120.By asking “What better place to accomplish this than in college?” the writer means that _______.
A.the best place to train students to deal with personal financial issues is in college
B.students should be trained to enter the real world after they graduate from college
C.students can best be trained in business and economics in college
D.students should be taught to cope with the difficult problems they will be facing after graduation
119题选C.因为A阐述的是有关Credit的问题.B,D说明的是plan a personal budget问 题.只有C是讲如何做出正确的购买决定及被告知有关消费者服务的问题,与题相符.120题选D.综合整文,都是讲到大学中应该授予学生有关credi...
- 1已知曲线:x平方+y平方=4(x大于等于0,y大于等于0)与函数y=log2x及y=2x(x在指数位置)的图像交与A(x1,y1
- 2若使101-102=1成立 那么移动那个数字 A、0 B、1 C、2
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- 4已知一静止质量为m0的粒子,其固有寿命为实验室测量到的寿命的1/n,则此粒子的动能为多少
- 5以陆地动物如何适应环境写一篇300字的小论文
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- 7一堆黄沙80吨,第一天运走25%,比第二天多运4吨.还剩下多少吨?
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- 16分之7+12分之13+20分之21+30分之31+~+420分之421
- 2求下列函数值域 f(x)=√2cos^2x+5sinx-1
- 3求电路中各元件的功率,分析功率平衡情况.若图中1欧姆电阻元件阻值改变时,哪个电源的功率不变?
- 4计算 (1) (根号2减1 )的平方 (2)绝对值根号2减根号5绝对值减绝对值根号5+根号
- 5若m加n等于10,mn等于4,则m的平方加n的平方等于多少 (m减n)的平方等于多少
- 6小刚家里养了7只鸡,共生蛋35个.已知每只母鸡生7个蛋,这些鸡中有几只
- 7已知直角梯形ABCD中,AB=15厘米,BC=30厘米,AC,BD交于E,三角形ABE的面积比三角形DEC的面积少150平方厘米,求直角梯形ABCD的面积.
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