Your eyes,also let young people ask yourself.
For busy.
So there is no time;
Because there is no time,so can't often go home to visit his parents.
On the one hand,is keen to older children often;
On the other hand is young people complain that work too busy;
On the other hand is sociologists remind people to pay attention to aging society brings problems advance...
100 good filial first
ZhaoDaNian (writer,folk expert) :Chinese think "hundred good filial first," filial piety on ethics very important position,the Chinese are very value family.
"May 4th" movement against the feudal,dropped feudal autocratic parents,feudal history,this is right,but always smile to the essence of Chinese culture,never the lost.
The "cultural revolution" go-between with "class" points,make people no one,has gone too far.
Modern becomes more selfish,basic not filial idea,if not now education,will generation than generation selfish.
There are some problems with the market economy is in the west,enter,parents and children have dinner together,but also go Dutch zhang,the old man is a serious matter.
In Beijing,also changed the old man died within a few days,several in residence of children have not known.
Now people are "XinJian down",light thinking about children,forget pain parents.
If human reproduce the results is not the smallest return later destroyed,not the human?
Because will nobody are willing to having children!
Your eyes,also let young people ask yourself.
For busy.
So there is no time;
Because there is no time,so can't often go home to visit his parents.
On the one hand,is keen to older children often;
On the other hand is young people complain that work too busy;
On the other hand is sociologists remind people to pay attention to aging society brings problems advance...
100 good filial first
ZhaoDaNian (writer,folk expert) :Chinese think "hundred good filial first," filial piety on ethics very important position,the Chinese are very value family.
"May 4th" movement against the feudal,dropped feudal autocratic parents,feudal history,this is right,but always smile to the essence of Chinese culture,never the lost.
The "cultural revolution" go-between with "class" points,make people no one,has gone too far.
Modern becomes more selfish,basic not filial idea,if not now education,will generation than generation selfish.
There are some problems with the market economy is in the west,enter,parents and children have dinner together,but also go Dutch zhang,the old man is a serious matter.
In Beijing,also changed the old man died within a few days,several in residence of children have not known.
Now people are "XinJian down",light thinking about children,forget pain parents.
If human reproduce the results is not the smallest return later destroyed,not the human?
Because will nobody are willing to having children!
- 1已知关于x的方程3x²+(a²-9a+6)x-(a-2)=0的两实数根的倒数和为2,求a
- 2professor li became a famous_______(物理学家)at his early age
- 3Not only his parents but also he ______ playing the piano in the past.
- 4化简 tan(18°-x)tan(12°+x)+根号3乘[tan(18°-x)+tan(12°+x)]=
- 51464万等于几亿
- 6已知两个自然数差为4,它们的最大公因数和最小公倍数的积为252,求这两个自然数.
- 71、“Town Hall is the tallest building in the city.” “_____ from here?”
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- 1求食盐晶体的制作方法,暑假作业
- 2知点A(1,5)B(3,9),O为坐标原点,若点C满足向量OC=α向量OA+β向量OB,其中α,β属于实数,求C点轨迹方程
- 3人教版小学5年级下册语文第8课的生字组词
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- 5空调原价1400元,降了8分之1降了多少元现价多少元"?
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- 7n阶行列式 每行各元素之和为零 各列元素之和为零 证明 行列式D的所有代数余子式彼此相等
- 88分之5比15怎样化简
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