What is the hotline number of KIC?
Hotline: (86 21) 6143 6143
KIC is situated in Shanghai’s bustling Wujiaochang area, just northeast of city’s iconic Bund waterfront. The unique project is a joint development between the Yangpu District government and Shanghai Shui On Land with an investment scale of 10 billion RMB, and total construction area reaching one million square meters upon completion. Adding to KIC’s luster, there are more than thirteen renowned universities nearby, including world famous Fudan University and Tongji University, as well as Shanghai Financial and Economical University.
KIC is situated in Shanghai’s bustling Wujiaochang area, just northeast of city’s iconic Bund waterfront. The unique project is a joint development between the Yangpu District government and Shanghai Shui On Land with an investment scale of 10 billion RMB, and total construction area reaching one million square meters upon completion. Adding to KIC’s luster, there are more than thirteen renowned universities nearby, including world famous Fudan University and Tongji University, as well as Shanghai Financial and Economical University.
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