麻烦帮我英单词造句,abandone abandinment ability able abound about above abroad absence absent absolute absorb abstract 每个单词造两个句子
1.We abandoned the idea of creating a website due to technical problems.
He abandoned himself to depression.这是一个非常文学性的用法.用到了词组abandon oneself to something 沉浸在某种情感中,无以自拔
2.His abandonment of his family was fully paid back with his son's imprisonment.
You are really a savvy,smart thing that you've got their abandonment of punishment on you.
3.The job was done to the best of his ability.这里用到了词组to the best of one's ability
Albert Einstein must have some natural ability to understand physical phenomena.
4.She is able to speak French and Russian.
I would have liked to mop the floor before you came,yet I was never able to steal any time for it.
5.The rhetorical devices of simile and metaphor abound in her writing.
Wall Street abounds with stock brokers,financial journalists,and investment bankers.这里用到了词组abound with something
6.She's worried about her daughter too much.
We have to do something about climate change,otherwise our planet may be too dangerous for us to live on.
7.The noise from the room above disturbs my meditation and makes me feel annoyed.
The salaries they get are well above what we get,and I don't see the sense of it.
8.She went abroad with a summer camp last year,spending 30,000 RMB during just 15 days.
Candies imported from abroad are wildly popular amony hipsters in China.
9.His job requires frequent absences from home.
In the absence of reliable scientific evidence,we won't believe in what that book tells people.
10.He is the only instructor available whenever any of his colleagues is absent.
He said "I love you" and she nodded,but her absent look on her face had thrown away the chance to enjoy the romantic moment.
11.She's an absolute genius,because she played the hardest melodies of Friedrich List's compositions so perfectly last night!
He's an absolute liar.
12.She has been sitting beside that table for hours,absorbed in Jane Austen's fictions.
In modern societies,workers are expected to absorb large amounts of information in no time.
13.For young children,abstract terms are harder to understand than specific terms.
Do show your love for me through practical doings,rather than say that you love me in the abstract.这里用了名词短语in the abstract 泛泛地考虑某事
1.We abandoned the idea of creating a website due to technical problems.
He abandoned himself to depression.这是一个非常文学性的用法.用到了词组abandon oneself to something 沉浸在某种情感中,无以自拔
2.His abandonment of his family was fully paid back with his son's imprisonment.
You are really a savvy,smart thing that you've got their abandonment of punishment on you.
3.The job was done to the best of his ability.这里用到了词组to the best of one's ability
Albert Einstein must have some natural ability to understand physical phenomena.
4.She is able to speak French and Russian.
I would have liked to mop the floor before you came,yet I was never able to steal any time for it.
5.The rhetorical devices of simile and metaphor abound in her writing.
Wall Street abounds with stock brokers,financial journalists,and investment bankers.这里用到了词组abound with something
6.She's worried about her daughter too much.
We have to do something about climate change,otherwise our planet may be too dangerous for us to live on.
7.The noise from the room above disturbs my meditation and makes me feel annoyed.
The salaries they get are well above what we get,and I don't see the sense of it.
8.She went abroad with a summer camp last year,spending 30,000 RMB during just 15 days.
Candies imported from abroad are wildly popular amony hipsters in China.
9.His job requires frequent absences from home.
In the absence of reliable scientific evidence,we won't believe in what that book tells people.
10.He is the only instructor available whenever any of his colleagues is absent.
He said "I love you" and she nodded,but her absent look on her face had thrown away the chance to enjoy the romantic moment.
11.She's an absolute genius,because she played the hardest melodies of Friedrich List's compositions so perfectly last night!
He's an absolute liar.
12.She has been sitting beside that table for hours,absorbed in Jane Austen's fictions.
In modern societies,workers are expected to absorb large amounts of information in no time.
13.For young children,abstract terms are harder to understand than specific terms.
Do show your love for me through practical doings,rather than say that you love me in the abstract.这里用了名词短语in the abstract 泛泛地考虑某事
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