新概念英语2 82课后的摘要写作
Lesson 82 Monster or fish
A strange fish was caught near Madagascar after having pulled a small fishing boat miles out to sea.Making every effort not to damage the fish,the fisherman brought it to shore.The fish,which was over 13 feet long,with a head like a horse,was sent to a museum.It is being examined by a scientist,who said that it was an oarfish and that such creatures live at a depth of 6 hundred feet. (77 words )
A strange fish was caught near Madagascar .Though it pulled a small fishing boat miles out to sea ,the fisherman made every effort not to damage it .On being brought to shore ,the fish was found to be over thirteen feet long and to have a head like a horse .Now that it has been sent to a museum ,it is being examined by a scientist .It is called an oarfish and lives at a depth of six hundred feet . ( 80 words )
A strange fish was caught near Madagascar after having pulled a small fishing boat miles out to sea.Making every effort not to damage the fish,the fisherman brought it to shore.The fish,which was over 13 feet long,with a head like a horse,was sent to a museum.It is being examined by a scientist,who said that it was an oarfish and that such creatures live at a depth of 6 hundred feet. (77 words )
A strange fish was caught near Madagascar .Though it pulled a small fishing boat miles out to sea ,the fisherman made every effort not to damage it .On being brought to shore ,the fish was found to be over thirteen feet long and to have a head like a horse .Now that it has been sent to a museum ,it is being examined by a scientist .It is called an oarfish and lives at a depth of six hundred feet . ( 80 words )
- 1飞扬 造句
- 2猜一猜数学谜语. (1)一加一不是二. (打一字) 谜底:_ (2)一减一不是零.(打一字) 谜底:_.
- 3because you are too tried to do exercise
- 4红包英语
- 5一个多边形的内角和比四边形的内角和多540度,并且这个多边形的各内角都相等,这个多边形的每个内角等于多少度?
- 6高中化学知识与初中那部分知识有联系?
- 7已知反比例函数y=k/x的图象经过点B(3,-1),则此函数图象还会经过另一点——
- 8下面一句话可以有两种理解请写出来!
- 9________?it is wonderful.
- 10已知:如图,△ABC(AB≠AC)中,D、E在BC上,且DE=EC,过D作DF∥BA交AE于点F,DF=AC.求证:AE平分∠BAC.
- 1《赫耳墨斯和雕像者》和《蚊子和狮子》原文
- 2下列关于我国地形的叙述,正确的是( ) A.地形多种多样,高原面积广大 B.全国四大盆地全部分布在第二阶梯 C.我国的高原、山地多分布在东部地区 D.我国山区约占全国陆地面积的三分之二
- 3从2、5、7四个数字中选三个数,使组成的三位数能同时被2、3、5整除,这样的数有哪些?
- 4已知a,b为常数,若f(x)=x²+4x+3,f(ax+b)=x²+10x+24,则5a-b=
- 5这是中国人自己修的第一条铁路,一定要把它修好.咋样缩句谁知道啊
- 6如果三角形的两条边的长分别是六厘米和九厘米那么第三条边的长可能是几厘米
- 7It seems that he has had a cold转换He seems _ _ _acold.
- 8一座楼房每上一层要走16个台阶,到小英家要走64个台阶,他家住_楼?
- 9正弦函数y=sinx在X=π/6处的切线方程
- 10南北方居民的饮食习惯与当地粮食作物有什么关系?