for one hundred and fifty years,a dense network of railways has allowed people to travel and enjoy the beautiful scenery of switzerland.but now,the first stage of the swiss metro project begins with the stretch between geneva and lausanne.
the swiss metro will travel through a vacuum tunnel one hundred meters underground,riding on an invisible magnetic field at speeds of up to five hundred kilometers per hour .
the metro line between the two cities is due to be completed by the year 2010.today,the trip above ground lasts 34 minutes.metro will cover that distance in 12 minutes.trains will depart every six minutes.
in the latest stage,swizerland will be crossed from border to border,west to east and north to south.by the swiss metro notwork,it is better and cheaper.
for one hundred and fifty years,a dense network of railways has allowed people to travel and enjoy the beautiful scenery of switzerland.but now,the first stage of the swiss metro project begins with the stretch between geneva and lausanne.
the swiss metro will travel through a vacuum tunnel one hundred meters underground,riding on an invisible magnetic field at speeds of up to five hundred kilometers per hour .
the metro line between the two cities is due to be completed by the year 2010.today,the trip above ground lasts 34 minutes.metro will cover that distance in 12 minutes.trains will depart every six minutes.
in the latest stage,swizerland will be crossed from border to border,west to east and north to south.by the swiss metro notwork,it is better and cheaper.
- 1The person that ends up as a xinner is the one who always tries to
- 2在抛物线上X的平方+Y的平方+X-6Y+M=0与直线X+2Y-3=-0相交于P,Q两点,O为原点坐标,若OP垂直于OQ,求M的值
- 3超市卖出6筐水果,平均每筐有18千克,这是超市还剩余80千克水果.超市原来有多少千克水果?
- 41MeV等于多少kg
- 5怎么区分实验组和对照组?
- 6-2的负立方是多少?
- 7甲乙两物体密度比为2:3,体积比为8:5,则甲乙质量比为().如果把甲切去1/5,乙切去3/4,剩下的密度比为()
- 8a special
- 9一个正方形的面积扩大为原来的4被,他的边长为原来的多少倍?面积扩大为原来的9倍呢?n倍呢?
- 10“-1,0,3,7,13,15,18,19,20,21,35,50”在这些数中(可以重复),质数有( ),奇数有( ),偶数有( ),
- 1用加减消元法解二元一次方程怎么解?
- 2一列火车从甲开往乙,行进了全程的7分之3时,离乙还有196千米,求甲乙之间的长度
- 3海上日出 巴金
- 4狮子奔跑时的最快速度可以达到60千米/时,比猎豹慢5/11.猎豹奔跑时的最高速度是多少?
- 5已知A=x平方-2xy+y的平方B=2x平方-6xy+3y平方 求3A-[2A-B]-4(A-B).IxI=3,y平方=4,x+y=负1
- 6(x-2y+3z)²=?
- 7根据意思组词 张①铺排;陈设.②打开;展开;③看;望;④扩大;夸大.
- 8已a,b,c为三角形ABC的三边,其面积123,bc=48,b-c=2,则a= _ .
- 91.5毫升浓硫酸稀释到一千毫升容量瓶,摩尔浓度和当量浓度各为多少?
- 10拼音aoeiuü里面的ü见到jqx会变成u,那为什么ü和y在一起的时候也去了两点变成了yu.