Study: at school or at home?
Nowadays, many students choose to study at school when school is over. They prefer to do their homework together with their friends and sometimes make a discussion over some of the questions. But in my opinion, I cannot make sure whether their time at school is used to full play —— Will they play together in stead of study and do homework together? Will some of them depend on the others' answers to the questions but not his? Will they be not so efficient as studying at home? I think most of the denys are realistic and I don't believe we will study better at school than at home. For me, I will choose studying at home—— the more boring but the more efficient access to study.
Nowadays, many students choose to study at school when school is over. They prefer to do their homework together with their friends and sometimes make a discussion over some of the questions. But in my opinion, I cannot make sure whether their time at school is used to full play —— Will they play together in stead of study and do homework together? Will some of them depend on the others' answers to the questions but not his? Will they be not so efficient as studying at home? I think most of the denys are realistic and I don't believe we will study better at school than at home. For me, I will choose studying at home—— the more boring but the more efficient access to study.
- 1一个两位数,个位数字比十位数字大3,个位数字的平方刚好等于这个两位数,则这个两位数是( ) A.不存在 B.25 C.36 D.25或36
- 2已知集合M={z|z=i^n } n属于正整数 N={z|z^2+2|z|-1=0} 求M与N的交集 Z是复数.
- 3顶碗少年的杂技表演抒发了内心的( )和( ).首尾( ),感悟出人生哲理.
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- 5《仙境之桥》英语介绍或评价
- 6下列几种现象,只属于旋转的有( )
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- 2虚焦点是神马?
- 3一吨煤,上午运走总数的40%,下午运走余下的3/1,剩下的比运走的少20吨,这堆煤原多少吨?
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- 5We have __________every day A a Chinese B Chinese C the Chinese D Chineses
- 6她不和他们在一起生活 she 什么 什么 with them|
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- 8at the entrance
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