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The Horse and His Boy
The Horse and His Boy is the third book,
A boy called Shasta is found as a baby and raised by Arsheesh,a Calormene fisherman.As the story begins,Shasta overhears Arsheesh agreeing to sell him to a powerful Calormene feudal nobleman.Shasta is relieved to discover that he is not really Arsheesh's son,since there was little love between them.While Shasta awaits his new master in the stable,Bree,the nobleman's stallion,astounds Shasta by speaking to him.The horse suggests that they escape a life of servitude by riding north together to Narnia.They meet another pair of escaping travellers,Aravis,a young Calormene aristocrat,and her talking horse,Hwin.Aravis is fleeing to avoid a forced marriage with the Tisroc's grand vizier.
The four must travel through Tashbaan,the bustling capital of Calormen.There they encounter a procession of visiting Narnian royalty,who mistake Shasta for Corin,a prince of Archenland,who was separated from their group earlier that day.Unsure what to do,Shasta goes with the Narnians and overhears their plans to escape from Calormen to prevent a forced marriage of Queen Susan with the Tisroc's son,Rabadash.Shasta escapes when the real Prince Corin returns.
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