急需一篇关于What is the best way to keep healthy?
急需一篇关于What is the best way to keep healthy?
上大四时候做过的 一篇文章
Self-view,maintaining a healthy state of mind should be from the following efforts:first,to maintain a healthy attitude toward having a healthy body.A healthy body not only can make your troubles away from the disease,but also be able to give you enough energy and strength to complete his thought.Second,maintain a healthy state of mind to learn to express love,love,give a person a great quality and noble character,the embodiment of love to give embodies the people's sense of responsibility and kindness,can keep people healthy mentality is precisely there are sense of responsibility,kind-hearted person.Moreover,we have to pay at the same time,it will gain love,to bear other people's praise and feedback,
Person's value to be achieved and sublimation.Third,maintain a healthy attitude to have sense of balance,this world of all things have their existence and development of a sure thing.There are some things that we can change through their own efforts,some how can not be changed.Address these,receive these,people enjoy these can be happy.Avoid the following:greed,jealousy,laziness,low self-esteem.Has a sun-like heart,it will have a sunny life.
Self-view,maintaining a healthy state of mind should be from the following efforts:first,to maintain a healthy attitude toward having a healthy body.A healthy body not only can make your troubles away from the disease,but also be able to give you enough energy and strength to complete his thought.Second,maintain a healthy state of mind to learn to express love,love,give a person a great quality and noble character,the embodiment of love to give embodies the people's sense of responsibility and kindness,can keep people healthy mentality is precisely there are sense of responsibility,kind-hearted person.Moreover,we have to pay at the same time,it will gain love,to bear other people's praise and feedback,
Person's value to be achieved and sublimation.Third,maintain a healthy attitude to have sense of balance,this world of all things have their existence and development of a sure thing.There are some things that we can change through their own efforts,some how can not be changed.Address these,receive these,people enjoy these can be happy.Avoid the following:greed,jealousy,laziness,low self-esteem.Has a sun-like heart,it will have a sunny life.
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