麻烦来看下 这段话有没有语法错误
He hates the society,so that is why he named himself as son of the ocean,where there is no society.In the poem,it read from tomorrow on,not from today on,as a way to show his unlikeness for society at that time.He killed himself shortly after writing this poem.He considered himself to be happy tomorrow,the time in the heaven.Grooming,chopping,and traveling all over the world are normal daily life for folks.New life would be started tomorrow,when he died.Then he would care for foodstuff and vegetable.Haizi just considered the sea,not the earth where the society is,to be great place.He would like to have a house facing this great place,with blossom spring,for sure,after his death and tomorrow,not today.
He hates the society,so that is why he named himself as son of the ocean,where there is no society.In the poem,it read from tomorrow on,not from today on,as a way to show his unlikeness for society at that time.He killed himself shortly after writing this poem.He considered himself to be happy tomorrow,the time in the heaven.Grooming,chopping,and traveling all over the world are normal daily life for folks.New life would be started tomorrow,when he died.Then he would care for foodstuff and vegetable.Haizi just considered the sea,not the earth where the society is,to be great place.He would like to have a house facing this great place,with blossom spring,for sure,after his death and tomorrow,not today.
He hates the society,that is why he named himself "son of the ocean",because there is no society in the ocean.In the poem,it read "from tomorrow on",not" from today on",as a way to show his dislike fo...
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