1.someone speaks (English) here
2.I will bring you (the comic book) tomorrow
3.My father is writing (a book)
4.The boss offered (me) a chance to speak in the meeting
5.My friend sent (me) some photographs as my birthday gift
6.Someone made (that car) in Japan
1.someone speaks (English) here
2.I will bring you (the comic book) tomorrow
3.My father is writing (a book)
4.The boss offered (me) a chance to speak in the meeting
5.My friend sent (me) some photographs as my birthday gift
6.Someone made (that car) in Japan
English is spoken here.
The comic book will be brought to you tomorrow by me.
A book is being written by my father.
I was offered a chance to speak in the meeting by the boss.
I was sent some photographs as my birthday gift by my friend.
That car was made in Japan.
The comic book will be brought to you tomorrow by me.
A book is being written by my father.
I was offered a chance to speak in the meeting by the boss.
I was sent some photographs as my birthday gift by my friend.
That car was made in Japan.
- 1想知道:柳州市 柳州公共自行车服务点
- 2一根长方形木料,长4.5厘米,它有一组相对的面是正方形,其余4个面总面积是8平方米.请问这根木料的体积.
- 3Who taught ______ physics last year?A your B yours C yourself D you
- 4二次函数上下平移,是上加下减,还是上减下加
- 5英汉互译(在线等待回答)
- 6把棱长为a厘米的两个正方体拼成一个长方体,长方体的表面积是两个正方体表面积和的( ).
- 7复式条形统计图有哪些优点
- 8小明家去年结余5000元,估计今年可结余9500元,并且今年收入比去年高15%,支出比去年低10%,求去年收入
- 9(1-sinx)/(1-cosx)的导数是什么
- 108.7gMno2与100ml37%密度为1.19g/cm(立方)的浓盐酸共热(假设HCl没有损失)反应结束后,将剩余的溶液加水稀释至100ml,取出10ml溶液加入足量AgNo3溶液,有白色沉淀生成.
- 1随便来十个英语句 子 我要完成作业
- 2Tony is my brother.画线部分提问,画线部分为my brother,xie xi
- 3视力表的距离应该是多少米?
- 4关于X的方程9X^2-(K+6)+K+1=0有两个相等的实数根,则K=?
- 5古埃及在农业、手工业、建筑、文章、和历法等方面取的了哪些成就.
- 6计算 分式的加减法.
- 7量词是什么名词?
- 8为什么用支路电流法解题的时候,有一些电路图上只有两个节点却列出了1个kcl方程,而有些电路明明有四个节点却只列出了2个kcl方程?如果要列出(n-1)个 那不是应该列出三个节点吗?
- 9疑问词Do的用法
- 10帮忙翻译一个纽约的地址:622 W 168TH ST PH 14-C NEW YORK,NY 10032 US PH 14-C