1.D3人称单数的造句(10句)比如说:She watches TV.
3.有带like的句式(10句)比如说I like apples very much...
4.有带want的句式(10句)比如说I want to go to a movie
1.D3人称单数的造句(10句)比如说:She watches TV.
3.有带like的句式(10句)比如说I like apples very much...
4.有带want的句式(10句)比如说I want to go to a movie
1.She lives in shanghai.
She watches TV.
She plays computer.
She plays football.
She drinks milk.
She eats bread.
She has icecream.
She runs to me.
She types letters.
She takes photos.
2.l living in shanghai.
l watching TV.
l playing computer.
l drinking milk.
l eating bread.
l having icecream.
l running to him.
l typing letters.
l taking photos.
3.l like living in shanghai.
l like watching TV.
l like playing computer.
l like drinking milk.
l like eating bread.
l like having icecream.
l like running to him.
l like typing letters.
l like taking photos.
4.She wants to live in shanghai.
She wants to watch TV.
She wants to play computer.
She wants to play football.
She wants to drink milk.
She wants to eat bread.
She wants to have icecream.
She wants to run to me.
She wants to type letters.
She watches TV.
She plays computer.
She plays football.
She drinks milk.
She eats bread.
She has icecream.
She runs to me.
She types letters.
She takes photos.
2.l living in shanghai.
l watching TV.
l playing computer.
l drinking milk.
l eating bread.
l having icecream.
l running to him.
l typing letters.
l taking photos.
3.l like living in shanghai.
l like watching TV.
l like playing computer.
l like drinking milk.
l like eating bread.
l like having icecream.
l like running to him.
l like typing letters.
l like taking photos.
4.She wants to live in shanghai.
She wants to watch TV.
She wants to play computer.
She wants to play football.
She wants to drink milk.
She wants to eat bread.
She wants to have icecream.
She wants to run to me.
She wants to type letters.
- 1关于感恩的英语作文有哪些?
- 2AB两地之间有条公路,小王步行从A地去B地,小张骑摩托车从B地出发不停往返于AB两地之间.若他们同时出发,
- 3一道数学题(快解!)
- 450/125怎么简算?
- 52012年1月国内外发生的5件重大事件(时事政治)并请说明选择的理由
- 6小学数学的一道填空题:整数乘法的交换侓、( )和( ),对于小数乘法同样适用,应用乘法的运算定侓,可以使一些计算( ).
- 7三角形的定义为什么和多边形不同
- 8火车从A到B地,原来要5小时,现在只需4小时,速度提高百分之几?
- 9after millions of years,fossilization creates fossils we can learn from.
- 10鲸属于鱼类么
- 12.Mr Brown is one of the most ____________(受欢迎的)teachers in our school.
- 2如何用反证法证明“两条直线如果有公共点,最多只有一个.”
- 3时钟的分针1分钟转了多少度
- 4盐酸中氯化氢全部电离成( ),其电离方程式( ),盐酸和氯化氢的区别是( )
- 5In the storm,the Browns lost their lives ______(include) their pet dog.
- 6肺泡内的氧气进入血液与红细胞中的血红蛋白结合需要穿过5层细胞膜,哪五层?
- 7小明测量房间发现是个正方形,边长是3.7,这个房间的面积是多少米
- 8关于愿望的作文
- 9求毕淑敏的 《母爱》
- 10仿照画线句子,在横线上续写一个句子,要求内容符合语境,并与上文衔接顺畅