This editorial is the occasion of opening the exciting experience of the Industrial Engineering and Management journal from the OMICS group.The aim of this journal is to become a reliable source of information between the leaders in the field of industrial engineering management journals with a quick review process.
The subject discussed in the paper is the multi-objective optimization of industrial management which is one of the topics of the journal.Indeed,as the economic which is one of the topics of the journal.Indeed,as the economic competition turns harder and harder,industrial companies have to face much more difficulties.To afford that problem,they have to optimize different criteria simultaneously.In addition to that,today's customers want the right product at the right price and at the right time.That is why multiobjective optimization becomes more and more a main issue in the management of production systems.The rest of this short document aims to underline the main techniques and resolution methods used in the multi-objective optimization and especially to solve multi-objective scheduling and lines design problems.
This editorial is the occasion of opening the exciting experience of the Industrial Engineering and Management journal from the OMICS group.The aim of this journal is to become a reliable source of information between the leaders in the field of industrial engineering management journals with a quick review process.
The subject discussed in the paper is the multi-objective optimization of industrial management which is one of the topics of the journal.Indeed,as the economic which is one of the topics of the journal.Indeed,as the economic competition turns harder and harder,industrial companies have to face much more difficulties.To afford that problem,they have to optimize different criteria simultaneously.In addition to that,today's customers want the right product at the right price and at the right time.That is why multiobjective optimization becomes more and more a main issue in the management of production systems.The rest of this short document aims to underline the main techniques and resolution methods used in the multi-objective optimization and especially to solve multi-objective scheduling and lines design problems.
- 1Her photograph comes out and she reads the note on the back.
- 2蝙蝠就像没头苍蝇似的到处乱撞是比喻句吗
- 3以下可以用来证明命题“对于自然数n,代数式n²-3n+7的值都是素数”是假命题的反例是 A n=3 B n=4 C n
- 4合并同类项,
- 5I know I’ve got to let it go...解释下这句话,
- 6这时个什么字 土土土 (字由三个土组成,结构与“森”相同
- 7已知直角三角形两条直角边的长度之比为3:4,斜边长为15,则这个三角形面积是_.
- 8一种正方体的棱长是5厘米,用4个这样的正方体拼成一个大长方体.大长方体的表面积可能是_.
- 9分别写出下列每组数的最大公因数和最小公倍数 15和45 10和21 7和8
- 10我热爱大自然,我要到山里远足.用英语怎么说?