Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,
and some ropes and climbing equipment.
Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew how to take care of himself.He liked climbing 5,000-meter peaks,often by himself in the winter.
For the next four days he tried to break or shift the rock as he waited for help.His knife had little effect on the hard stone.He made his food and water last nearly
three days.Finally,on the fifth day,Aron realized he had no other choice:to free himself,he would have to cut off his own hand.
He knew that the knife would cut skin and muscle,but not bone.So first Aron had to break his own arm by twisting it against the rock.He then tied a rope tightly around
the upper arm to control the bleeding,and cut through his hand to free himself.The entire procedure took approximately an hour.
Tired,hungry and bleeding heavily,Aron c
Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,
and some ropes and climbing equipment.
Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew how to take care of himself.He liked climbing 5,000-meter peaks,often by himself in the winter.
For the next four days he tried to break or shift the rock as he waited for help.His knife had little effect on the hard stone.He made his food and water last nearly
three days.Finally,on the fifth day,Aron realized he had no other choice:to free himself,he would have to cut off his own hand.
He knew that the knife would cut skin and muscle,but not bone.So first Aron had to break his own arm by twisting it against the rock.He then tied a rope tightly around
the upper arm to control the bleeding,and cut through his hand to free himself.The entire procedure took approximately an hour.
Tired,hungry and bleeding heavily,Aron c
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- 2如图,P在∠AOB内,点M,N分别是点P关于AO,BO的对称点,且与AO、BO相交点E、F,若△PEF的周长为15,求MN的长.
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