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This morning when I came here,the road was so slithery that I almost can’t stand on my own feet.I took every step carefully but hard to conctral my balance.
Then,I met a friend who have already fell over herself several times,but when we walked arm in arm,magic happened,we felt as if the ice under our feet is no longer slippery.
That is 1 plus 1,and the result is obviously much more than two!
Well,it is ture that two individuals are equal two,but one plus one is more than two.Why?It has an plus sign between them,and the sign means combination,cooperation,communication and connection.
When a man meets the right woman,for example,does their combination just mean two persons?No,it means a family,and a family means generations of people,means endless love and responsibility.Forthermore,it might mean a historical family business,like Jiachen Li’s,Rockefeller’s,and Hilton’s.
One plus one,it creates something new and so big!
In business,if two e
This morning when I came here,the road was so slithery that I almost can’t stand on my own feet.I took every step carefully but hard to conctral my balance.
Then,I met a friend who have already fell over herself several times,but when we walked arm in arm,magic happened,we felt as if the ice under our feet is no longer slippery.
That is 1 plus 1,and the result is obviously much more than two!
Well,it is ture that two individuals are equal two,but one plus one is more than two.Why?It has an plus sign between them,and the sign means combination,cooperation,communication and connection.
When a man meets the right woman,for example,does their combination just mean two persons?No,it means a family,and a family means generations of people,means endless love and responsibility.Forthermore,it might mean a historical family business,like Jiachen Li’s,Rockefeller’s,and Hilton’s.
One plus one,it creates something new and so big!
In business,if two e
This morning when I came here,the road was so slithery that I almost could not stand steady.I took every step carefully but hardly to keep my balance.But after I met a friend who though had fell over ...
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