英语IQ test
jack and joe were on vacation.they were driving along a deserted country road from the town of kaysville to the town of Lynnsville .They came to a multiple fork in the road.The sign post had been knocked down and they were faced with choosing one of five different directions .Since they had left their map at the last gas station and there was no one arounc to ask,how could Jack and Joe find their way to Lynnsville?我会翻译,明天早上之前!急
jack and joe were on vacation.they were driving along a deserted country road from the town of kaysville to the town of Lynnsville .They came to a multiple fork in the road.The sign post had been knocked down and they were faced with choosing one of five different directions .Since they had left their map at the last gas station and there was no one arounc to ask,how could Jack and Joe find their way to Lynnsville?我会翻译,明天早上之前!急
ANSWER:They need to stand the signpost up so that the arm reading Kaysville points in the direction of Kaysville,the town they had just come from.With one arm pointing the correct way,the other arms will also point in the right directions.
- 1有一个底面周长是12.56米,高为0.9米的圆锥形沙堆,如果把这些沙子铺在长62.8米,宽3米的通道上,沙子厚多少厘米?
- 2一个初中的作文题……
- 3表现名人的父亲的父爱的事例
- 4高数求极限...lim(lnx)/(cotx) x-0+
- 5诗句 “乡音无改鬓毛衰”中的“衰”到底该读 shuai 还是 cui
- 6一个数的平方根等于它本身是1还是0?
- 7m-n)的8次方除以(n-m)的3次方等于多少
- 8人们为保护环境做了什么?人们有没有破坏环境?
- 9筑一个面积为144平方米的长方形围栏围栏一边靠墙,这样的围栏最少要用多少米铁丝网?此时利用墙多长?
- 10生,亦我所欲也;义,亦我所欲也.;二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也.赏析
- 11/3x—3=9 x等于多少?是一元一次方程的
- 2We all hold the belief that those who have a wonderful sense of humor are more popular.请帮分析下
- 3为什么pai是无理数
- 4小丽同学从甲超市买了2支笔,平均每只a元,又从乙超市买了三只笔,平均每只b元,后又以每只2分之a+b的价格卖
- 5世界上以英语为第一语言的国家主要有?
- 6平面镜成的像有_______、________的特点
- 7-a/2 x立方y|n-2|次方是关于x,y的单项式.且系数为5/4,次数为7,求a,n的值.
- 8阿珍给同一小组的同学们出了一道这样的题目:0°经线与0°纬线相交点位于A:非洲大陆上B南美洲大陆上C大西洋上D太平洋上
- 9初一数学下册火车站有莫公司代运的甲种货物1530吨,乙种货物1150吨,现计划用50节
- 10春(阅读)第一段开头句为什么反复说"盼望着,盼望着"