有没有打破沉寂a time to break silence 的英语翻译,是马丁路德金的
I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. I join you in this meeting because I am in deepest agreement with the aims and work of the organization which has brought us together: Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam. The recent statements of your executive committee are the sentiments of my own heart, and I found myself in full accord when I read its opening lines: "A time comes when silence is betrayal."
I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. I join you in this meeting because I am in deepest agreement with the aims and work of the organization which has brought us together: Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam. The recent statements of your executive committee are the sentiments of my own heart, and I found myself in full accord when I read its opening lines: "A time comes when silence is betrayal."
- 1初中作文《我爱我家》《我的初中生活》《这就是我》各一篇600字,要求自己写,开头新颖·内容丰富·结尾巧
- 2his mother walk to the supermarket 的同义句是什么 急 就是把walk 改成其他的三个单词另外的单
- 3如图所示,木块 A 与 B 用一轻弹簧相连,竖直放在木块 C 上,三者静置于地面上,它们的质量之比是1:2:3.设所有接触面都光滑,在沿水平方向抽出木块 C 的瞬间,木块 A 和 B 的加速度分别
- 4野外如何判断该地形是构造地貌还是外力作用形成的地貌?
- 5“矗不知其几千万落”中“其”是什么意思
- 6看数字写词语:1111111( ) 5 10( )
- 7如果a加b等于4,a的平方减b的平方等于8求a,b的值
- 8一个底面积是0.01m2重是20N,质地均匀的实心正方体,其静止在一个面积是1m2的正方形水平桌面上,那么该物体对桌面的压强( ) A.一定是2000Pa B.可能是2000Pa C.可能是4000
- 9This new bike is nine hundred yuan.对nine hundred yuan提问
- 10电磁铁的磁力大小与哪些因素有关?请选择其中的一个因素,进行实验方案的设计.
- 1若4x-3y-6z=0,x+2y-7z=0(xyz≠0),则5x2+2y2−z22x2−3y2−10z2的值等于( ) A.−12 B.−192 C.-15 D.-13
- 2为什么含有杂质的固体有机物的熔点要低于纯净物的固体有机物的熔点?
- 3跟自己说声早上好英语怎么翻译
- 4Are the shoes_____your bed?No,they are ____the,bed.A under;in B on ;in C under;on D in;on
- 5Tom played football this afternoon.(改为否定句)
- 6在气体膨胀做功的实验中,内能转化成了机械能,膨胀出去的气体能否在自动地回到容器中,将机械能转化成内能?假设若成立,是否违反能量守恒定律. 为什么?
- 7六3班的同学订阅了3种刊物,其中80%定了刊物1,75%订了刊物2,60%订了刊物3.都订的同学最多占百分之几?
- 8“缅怀先烈 报效祖国”的手抄报
- 9春之泉 刘基 文言文 译文
- 10在等差数列{an}中,已知a1=20,前n项和为Sn,且S10=S15,求当n=_时,Sn取得最大值.