What is meant by this is that each individual must be aware of the impact he or she has on the world and their unique part to play in this world.
His behavior will be that of a responsible individual.(这个句子结构看不懂呀.)
Education is the key to all problems and it starts from pregnancy all the way to adulthood and beyond.
Scientists are trying to inform us that in the long run,we will save money and our natural resources by doing what it takes to wipe out trends in pollution now.
Once we do that,it will be clearer to everyone that it will pay to change the way we
currently go about functioning in society.
What is meant by this is that each individual must be aware of the impact he or she has on the world and their unique part to play in this world.
His behavior will be that of a responsible individual.(这个句子结构看不懂呀.)
Education is the key to all problems and it starts from pregnancy all the way to adulthood and beyond.
Scientists are trying to inform us that in the long run,we will save money and our natural resources by doing what it takes to wipe out trends in pollution now.
Once we do that,it will be clearer to everyone that it will pay to change the way we
currently go about functioning in society.
1、这个(this,应该是上一句话提到的东西)的意思是说,每个人都必须清楚他或她对这个世界的作用,还有他们在这个世界上扮演的独特的角色.2、他的行为将是负责任的.(直译为:他的行为将是一个负责任的人的行为.that ...
- 1_____sound of cars,buses and machines makes people
- 2多普勒效应是什么?
- 3核孔能通过什么大分子物质?\
- 4一船由A地开往B地,顺流4小时逆流多用30分钟,静水速度为16千米/小时,
- 5已知向量AB=a+5b,向量BC=-2a+8b,向量CD=3(a-b),则 A、ABD共线 B、ABC共线C、BCD共线 D、ACD共线
- 6关于人体疾病的英语单词
- 7用因式分解,(x平方-5x)平方-36
- 8过氧化氢的水溶液俗称双氧水,双氧水中存在的分子有ˍ,它在物质分类中属于ˍ.
- 9求学过日语的朋友们,帮我写出罗马字母和汉语拼音的区别以及读音
- 10-a²-b²+2a-2b+1与π(pai)比较大小
- 12a加五的和乘a的平方减九的差成2a减七的差减91如何因式分解
- 2蒹葭一诗的中心意象是什么
- 3一个长方形的长是X 厘米,宽是y厘米,如果把它的长和宽都增加一厘米,那么它的面积比原来增加了多少平方厘米
- 4VB中关系表达式x/y=xy为真,则说明 A、x不能被y整除 B、x与y一定不相等 C、x与y一定相等 D、x能被y整除
- 5王维《鹿柴》中“返景入深林”怎么理解?
- 6有关电路的判断题
- 7I prefer to live in the country rather than _____ in a city.
- 8平面向量基础问题
- 9分解因式 x的四次方+x的平方+2ax+1-a的平方
- 10电冰箱压缩机和照明灯泡有几个开关?