以Making a kite为题写一篇作文
Making a kite
One day ,I decided to make a kite.First,I went out and two stright sticks of the same length.I brought them back home and tied them with a piece of string into the shape of a cross.Then I took same string and used it to tie the four ends of the sticks together.Then I spread some brightly coloured paper over the frame and glued around the string.I stuck a tail made of paper to one of the corners,and tied a long string to the centre of the kite.On the next windy,I took the kite to a hill near my house and flew it.
One day ,I decided to make a kite.First,I went out and two stright sticks of the same length.I brought them back home and tied them with a piece of string into the shape of a cross.Then I took same string and used it to tie the four ends of the sticks together.Then I spread some brightly coloured paper over the frame and glued around the string.I stuck a tail made of paper to one of the corners,and tied a long string to the centre of the kite.On the next windy,I took the kite to a hill near my house and flew it.
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