Polite and cheerful greetings are considered a form of good manners,and can help to bulid up friendships Not much effort is needed just to say “Good morning” or “Hello” when you meet an acquaintance on your way to work." Hi " with a nod,a smile or a wave of hand is just as good,but is considered more informal.It is the custom to shake hands when you are introduced to a person.Chinese people seem to shake hands more often when they meet.Remember that the older person or the woman should be the first to offer the hand,otherwise a nod,a smile or a slight bow is enough.In Western countries,a firm handshake is considered polite;a weake handshake may indicate disinterest.
Polite and cheerful greetings are considered a form of good manners,and can help to bulid up friendships Not much effort is needed just to say “Good morning” or “Hello” when you meet an acquaintance on your way to work." Hi " with a nod,a smile or a wave of hand is just as good,but is considered more informal.It is the custom to shake hands when you are introduced to a person.Chinese people seem to shake hands more often when they meet.Remember that the older person or the woman should be the first to offer the hand,otherwise a nod,a smile or a slight bow is enough.In Western countries,a firm handshake is considered polite;a weake handshake may indicate disinterest.
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