In the past few years,with the rapid expansion of
magnesium applications in the automotive industry,
the development of squeeze-casting technology for
magnesium alloys and their composites has been mo-
tivated by incentives to produce high-quality compo-
nents.Although a number of research activities [23,
44-52] have taken place,few applications of squeeze-
cast magnesium and its composite components have
been reported in the open literature.This article re-
views recent progress in squeeze casting of magnesium
alloys and magnesium-based composites.The effects
of process variables on the cast structure and proper-
ties of magnesium alloys and magnesium-based com-
posites are discussed.The significant advantages of
squeeze-cast magnesium alloys and magnesium-based
composites are highlighted.The on-going research
work at the Institute of Magnesium Technology
(ITM) is presented.
In the past few years,with the rapid expansion of
magnesium applications in the automotive industry,
the development of squeeze-casting technology for
magnesium alloys and their composites has been mo-
tivated by incentives to produce high-quality compo-
nents.Although a number of research activities [23,
44-52] have taken place,few applications of squeeze-
cast magnesium and its composite components have
been reported in the open literature.This article re-
views recent progress in squeeze casting of magnesium
alloys and magnesium-based composites.The effects
of process variables on the cast structure and proper-
ties of magnesium alloys and magnesium-based com-
posites are discussed.The significant advantages of
squeeze-cast magnesium alloys and magnesium-based
composites are highlighted.The on-going research
work at the Institute of Magnesium Technology
(ITM) is presented.
在过去的几年中,迅速扩大 镁合金应用在汽车行业,发展的挤压铸造工艺 镁合金及其复合材料已被墨 激活的奖励生产高质量的复合 分量.虽然一些研究活动[ 23 ,44-52 ]已经发生,但很少应用的挤压 铸造镁及其复合组件 据报...
- 1适合10岁孩子看的课外书,都有哪些啊?
- 2描写夏天下暴雨的句子和作文一篇
- 3照管的近义词是什么
- 41.All students must read this book2.Everyone can understand his ideas.
- 5甲乙两车分别从240千米的AB两地出发,相向而行.甲先走了1小时.已知甲到B城用了三小时,乙到A城用了6小时
- 6解方程-4x(6+x)+x(-x+4)+5(x^2+x3)=-7+x
- 7如果火星上有水和生命存在,请你想象一下,它们是什么样子,怎么生存的
- 8已知a-2又2分之1的绝对值+5分之4+b的绝对值=0,求a.b的值?(-29又81分之80).(-9)
- 9物理:安装在高层建筑中的水泵,每个小时可以把200立方厘米的水扬到25米高的地方,它的功率为多少?
- 10明天交 ⊙ o ⊙ 用一元一次方程解
- 1仅能在水中导电的电解质.
- 2I hate how much i like you
- 3朝能组什么词
- 4光的反射规律是什么?
- 5新诗受外国诗歌的影响,接近于什么
- 6我是高一的,马上就要报文理了.我物理化学现在都能考80分以上,
- 7因式分解 (1)m的平方+5n-mn-5m (2)x的平方-y的平方+ax+ay
- 8What____you____do when I called you yesterday.
- 9如何用密度为1.19g /cm3质量分数为37.5%的浓盐酸配制1M 100ml的盐酸溶液?
- 10如图,一枚运载火箭从地面O处发射,当火箭到达A点时,从地面C处的雷达站测得AC的距离是6km,仰角是43度.1s后,火箭到达B点,此时测得BC的距离是6.13km,仰角为45.54°,解答下列问题: