nearly midnight in the big city,but the big city is not asleep.The sidewalks are crowded with people.Some are leaving a movie,a play,or a concert.Some are waiting for buses and taxis.The restaurants are filled with people.The hotels are full of tourists and businessmen who have come from all over the world.Many people such as reporters,nurses,and firemen work at night in the big city.Bright lights are shining from the windows of the tall buildings.The streets are noisy and crowded with traffic.Taxis are taking tired people from the airport and railroad stations to the hotels.Trucks are bringing fresh fruit and vegetables into the city.Soon it will be morning in the big city.By eight clocks,the streets are again filled with people.Millions of people live in the big city.And millions of people who work in the big city live in the surrounding suburbs.Now the working people who live in the suburbs,the commuters,are hurrying out of railroad stations,subways,buses,and cars.The peopl
nearly midnight in the big city,but the big city is not asleep.The sidewalks are crowded with people.Some are leaving a movie,a play,or a concert.Some are waiting for buses and taxis.The restaurants are filled with people.The hotels are full of tourists and businessmen who have come from all over the world.Many people such as reporters,nurses,and firemen work at night in the big city.Bright lights are shining from the windows of the tall buildings.The streets are noisy and crowded with traffic.Taxis are taking tired people from the airport and railroad stations to the hotels.Trucks are bringing fresh fruit and vegetables into the city.Soon it will be morning in the big city.By eight clocks,the streets are again filled with people.Millions of people live in the big city.And millions of people who work in the big city live in the surrounding suburbs.Now the working people who live in the suburbs,the commuters,are hurrying out of railroad stations,subways,buses,and cars.The peopl
- 1请帮我归纳下时间状语从句时态
- 2你一定玩过跷跷板吧!如图是小明和小刚玩跷跷板的示意图,横板绕它的中点O上下转动,立柱OC与地面垂直.当一方着地时,另一方上升到最高点.问:在上下转动横板的过程中,两人上升的最大高度AA′、BB′有何数
- 3文言文中虚词表承接、 顺接、 转接、 因果 、修饰的区别及实例讲解
- 4列式计算. ①比一个数的45%多3.6的数是12.6,这个数是多少?(用方程解) ②甲数与乙数的和是12,甲数是乙数的1/3,甲、乙两数各是多少?
- 5想一想,你是怎么过春节的?也按照时间顺序写一段话
- 6保持句意不变]She decided to work harder in order to catch up with the others
- 7有这样的两位数,它的两个数字之和能被4整除,而且比这个两位数大1的数,它的两个数字之和也能被4整除.所有这样的两位数的和是_.
- 8(3,-5)向下平移2个单位长度所到达的位置坐标是 ,再向右平移3的单位长度所到达的位置坐标是
- 9直线l1:a1x+b1y+c=0,与l2:a2x+b2y+c=0相交与点(m,n)非原点,则过(a1,b1).(a2,b2)的直线方程
- 10超市里苹果汁比桃汁多36箱,苹果汁是桃汁的4倍,苹果汁有几箱?
- 1一个三角形的三条边恰为m2+m+1,2m+1,m2-1则这个三角形中最大角为?
- 2求方程式的解:32x+20x+x2+540=32*20,如何计算出解?
- 3判断点A(1,-4),B(2,3)是否在函数y=2x-6的图像上.
- 4一条人行道长25米宽5米面积是多少合多少平方分米
- 5Rt三角形ABC德尔斜边在平面M内,两直角边AC和BC分别与平面M成30°和45°角,则这个直角三角形斜边上的高CD与平面M所成的角是多少
- 6national association for the education of young children.全国儿童教育协会.为什么用for不用of
- 7笛卡尔积怎么计算
- 8这篇文章提纲怎么写?
- 9一个养鱼池,长28米,宽15米,深1.8米,它的占地面积是多少平方米?最多可畜水多少立方米?
- 10Can your father ____(说)English?