当前位置: > in front of,red,couldn’t,can’t,open,help,ask,shop,later,a,an,with...
in front of,red,couldn’t,can’t,open,help,ask,shop,later,a,an,with
One day Mr.and Mrs.Black went 1 in their car.They were going to buy lots of things.They stopped their car 2 a shop.An hour later they came out to the car with a lot of things.But when Mr.Black turned his key(钥匙) in the car door,he 3 get it 4 .Then he went 5 a policeman nearby(附近) for help.The policeman was very kind and glad 6 them.A few minutes 7 he got the door open.Just at that moment 8 old man came up and shouted,“What are you doing 9 my car?” When the Blacks looked at the number of the car,their faces turned 10 .They made a mistake.
between,over,from,and,a lot of,all,bring,why,wind,cool,but
In Britain(英国),winter is not very cold 1 summer is not very hot.There is not a great difference 2 summer and winter.3 is this?Britain has a warm winter and a cool summer because it is an island(岛) country.In winter the sea is warmer than the land.The winds from the sea 4 warm air to Britain.In summer the sea is cooler than the land.The winds from the sea bring 5 air to Britain.The winds from the west(西部) blow 6 Britain all the year.They blow from the southwest(西南部).They are wet(湿的) 7 .They bring rain to Britain all the year.Britain has 8 rain all the year.The west of Britain is wetter than the east(东部).The winds must blow over the highland(高原) in the west.They drop more rain there.The east of Britain is drier(更干) than the west.The four seasons are 9 three months long.Winter is in December,January and February.Spring lasts 10 March to May.Summer is in June,July and August.Fall is in September,October and November.
分别用所给的单词填在 1 2 3 等处 可以重复使用


2 in front of
3 couldn't
4 open
5 to ask
6 to help
7 later
8 an
9 with
10 red
1 and
2 between
3 why
4 bring
5 cool
6 over
7 winds
8 a lot of
9 over
10 from
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