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Everyone has a lot of dreams .Some people want to be rich. Some people want to be famous. I have a dream, too. When I was a small child, I had a dream that one day I would become a great pianist. I will play the piano in the Musikvereinin Vienna to make the best music for the whole world. When l was three years old, my parents help me please a teacher. She is very beautiful and kind. She told me how to play the piano and how to make the music sound better. When l learned two months time, I thought play the piano very difficult. After learning my arms are very acid, but I did not give up. Now, I’m twelve years old. I still want to be a pianist. I did a lot for the dream. I spend more than two hours playing the piano every day. It’s very hard, but I insist it for nine years. No mill, no meal. Now I in the Grade Examination of musical level of current year for nonprofessionals and have reached the 9th.grade in the playing of Piano. Piano is a kind


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