join the two sentences using verb-ed forms or verb-ed phrases
1.Heat ice to a certain temperature.It will become water.
When _____________,ice will become water.
2.The doctors successfully completed the operation.They were helped by some experts from the USA.
The doctors successfully completed the operation,____________some experts from the USA.
3.The teacher encouraged Tom.Tom did well in his exam.
_______________the teacher ,Tom did well in his exam.
4.The football match was postponed due to bad weather.The students were disappointed.
The students were______________that the football match was postponed due to bad weather.
1.Heat ice to a certain temperature.It will become water.
When _____________,ice will become water.
2.The doctors successfully completed the operation.They were helped by some experts from the USA.
The doctors successfully completed the operation,____________some experts from the USA.
3.The teacher encouraged Tom.Tom did well in his exam.
_______________the teacher ,Tom did well in his exam.
4.The football match was postponed due to bad weather.The students were disappointed.
The students were______________that the football match was postponed due to bad weather.
1.When heated to a certain temperature,ice will become water.
2.The doctors successfully completed the operation,helped by some experts from the USA.
3.Encouraged by the teacher,Tom did well in his exam.
4.The students were disappointed that the football match was postponed due to bad weather.
2.The doctors successfully completed the operation,helped by some experts from the USA.
3.Encouraged by the teacher,Tom did well in his exam.
4.The students were disappointed that the football match was postponed due to bad weather.
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