listening for the weather的中文
Listening For The Weather
So I'm listening for the weather to predict the coming day
Leave all thought of expectation to the weather man
No it doesn't really matter what it is he has to say
'Cause tomorrows keep on blowing in from somewhere
All the people that I know in the apartments down below
Busy with their starring roles in their own tragedies
Sunlight sends you on your way
And those restless thoughts that cling to yesterday
Never be afraid of change
I'll call you on the phone
I hate to leave you on your own
But I'm coming home today
And this busy inner city
Has got nothing much to say
And I know how much you're hanging round the letterbox
And I'm sure that as I'm writing
You'll be somewhere on your way
In a supermarket checkout or the restaurant
I've been doing what I'm told
I've been busy growing old
And the days are getting cold but that's alright with me
Sunlight sends you on your way
And those restless thoughts that cling to yesterday
Never be afraid of change
I'll call you on the phone
I hate to leave you on your own
But I'm coming home today
Yes I'm coming home today
I've been doing what I'm told
I've been busy growing old
And the days are getting cold but that's alright with me
Sunlight sends you on your way
And those restless thoughts that cling to yesterday
Never be afraid of change
Listening For The Weather
So I'm listening for the weather to predict the coming day
Leave all thought of expectation to the weather man
No it doesn't really matter what it is he has to say
'Cause tomorrows keep on blowing in from somewhere
All the people that I know in the apartments down below
Busy with their starring roles in their own tragedies
Sunlight sends you on your way
And those restless thoughts that cling to yesterday
Never be afraid of change
I'll call you on the phone
I hate to leave you on your own
But I'm coming home today
And this busy inner city
Has got nothing much to say
And I know how much you're hanging round the letterbox
And I'm sure that as I'm writing
You'll be somewhere on your way
In a supermarket checkout or the restaurant
I've been doing what I'm told
I've been busy growing old
And the days are getting cold but that's alright with me
Sunlight sends you on your way
And those restless thoughts that cling to yesterday
Never be afraid of change
I'll call you on the phone
I hate to leave you on your own
But I'm coming home today
Yes I'm coming home today
I've been doing what I'm told
I've been busy growing old
And the days are getting cold but that's alright with me
Sunlight sends you on your way
And those restless thoughts that cling to yesterday
Never be afraid of change
So I'm listening for the weather to predict the coming day 于是,我听天气预报希望获悉来日的天气.Leave all thought of expectation to the weather man 寄希望于天气预报员.No it doesn't really matter what i...
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- 7面积为5.0×10-2m2的单匝矩形线圈放在磁感强度为2.0×10-2T的匀强磁场中,若线圈平面与磁场方向垂直,求穿过线圈的磁通量多大?
- 8两个棱长1分米的正方体木块,拼成一个长方体,这个长方形的表面积是().
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- 10用分度号为K的热电偶,配动圈仪表,已将零点调到20℃,但实际热电偶冷端温度已知为55℃,求仪表指示值为425
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- 2已知X1和X2概率密度函数,要求Y=X1+X2的,应该怎么办?扩展,Y=X1+...+Xn的该怎么办?可用正态分布举例
- 3往桌子上放一本书 书上放一个瓶子 书受的重力与桌子对书的支持力是一对平衡力吗?为什么?
- 4刘明骑自行车从家到学校,每小时行18千米,回来时是逆风,每小时行12千米,她往返这段路平均每小时行_千米.
- 5用成语形容以下.
- 6暑假作文怎么能够写出真情实感------------?
- 7一个长方形体体积是60立方米.如果增加1/3,宽和高都不变,求这时长方体的体积.
- 8He is the Newton of this age.
- 9什么叫高表达基因(低表达基因)?
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