紧急~Write a short passage about your favourite pop band or singers .
Write a short passage about your favourite pop band or singers .Use the questions and prompts here to help you describe the band.Write about 80 words.
1 When did the band start?
2 How many members are there in the band?
3 What are their names and ages?
4 What are the band members like?
5 What do they look like?
6 What are their songs like?
7 What do they sing about?
8 Why do you like them?
My favourite band is.
There are ...in the band
Their names ...
The band started...
My favourite band member is ...
Their songs are...
They sing...
Although I...
I like them because..
I think they are...
Write a short passage about your favourite pop band or singers .Use the questions and prompts here to help you describe the band.Write about 80 words.
1 When did the band start?
2 How many members are there in the band?
3 What are their names and ages?
4 What are the band members like?
5 What do they look like?
6 What are their songs like?
7 What do they sing about?
8 Why do you like them?
My favourite band is.
There are ...in the band
Their names ...
The band started...
My favourite band member is ...
Their songs are...
They sing...
Although I...
I like them because..
I think they are...
My favourite band is Backstreet BoysThere are 5 boys in the band .Their names are Kevin、Howie D、Brian、A.J、Nick The band started 1993.My favourite band member is Kevin Their songs are,and so on.The...
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