lf you are a volunteer,what will you do for disabled people?Please write down your ideas in a passage.
lf you are a volunteer,what will you do for disabled people?Please write down your ideas in a passage.
There are disabled people in every society and there are always a lot of places for volunteers to help.The disabled normally have physical disabilities and need help achieving daily goals that many of us take for granted,such as grocery shopping and taking out the garbage,doing washing and so on.We can all make a difference by volunteering our help with these everyday chores.As a volunteer to work with the disabled,I would like to go to their homes to help them with whatever I could do.I could to washing the cloths,help them to get dressed,cooking,playing with them,reading books or newspapers to them etc,basically everything they need help with.
I also would like to contribute something to their lives.I would like to bring some things such us music or games.I could play violin to them,teach them to play a game.These would entertain them and make their lives more interesting.I hope that my work can help them and make their living easier and more enjoyable.
I also would like to contribute something to their lives.I would like to bring some things such us music or games.I could play violin to them,teach them to play a game.These would entertain them and make their lives more interesting.I hope that my work can help them and make their living easier and more enjoyable.
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