the last one thx you so so so much
by two orders of magnitude.Unfortunately,the poor resistivity of the silicon substrate does not allow the use of very high frequencies.Use of a high resistivity GaAs substrate with a much lower rf loss will make higher microwave fre- quencies feasible with a corresponding increase in sensitiv- ity.We note that oscillators and mixers can be realized up to several GHz on silicon substrates and several tens of GHz on GaAs substrates.It should be possible to fabricate a large array of sensitive detectors monolithically integrated with their associated electronics.
by two orders of magnitude.Unfortunately,the poor resistivity of the silicon substrate does not allow the use of very high frequencies.Use of a high resistivity GaAs substrate with a much lower rf loss will make higher microwave fre- quencies feasible with a corresponding increase in sensitiv- ity.We note that oscillators and mixers can be realized up to several GHz on silicon substrates and several tens of GHz on GaAs substrates.It should be possible to fabricate a large array of sensitive detectors monolithically integrated with their associated electronics.
由二个数量级.不幸地,硅体的粗劣的抵抗力不允许对甚高频的用途.对一个高的抵抗力GaAs 基体的用途以更低的rf 损失将使更高的微波fre- quencies 可行以在sensitiv- 的对应的增量ity .我们注意到,摆动器和搅拌器可能体...
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- 3已知M,N为集合I的非空真子集,且M,N不相等,若N∩(∁IM)=∅,则M∪N=( ) A.M B.N C.I D.∅
- 4The Day of the Dead in Mexico
- 5从A地向B地打长途电话,按时收费,3分钟内收费2.4元,以后每超过1分钟加收1元,若通话t分钟(t≥3),则需付电话费y(元)与t(分钟)之间的函数关系式是y=t-0.6(t≥3,t是整数)y=t-0
- 6已知样本均值6600,样本标准差为2230,样本量90,服从正态分布,求95%置信度水平的区间估计
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- 10I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing.
- 1There are a lot of beautiful f_________ in the park
- 2怎样才能让现代文阅读的答案语言优美
- 3一个自然数,如果它顺着数和倒过来数都是一样的,则称这个数为回文数,如1881、9、808都是回文数,而990不是回文数.那么1到6位的回文数一共有多少个?
- 4做8个长20厘米、宽10厘米、高5厘米的无盖铁皮箱子,至少需要多少平方分米的铁皮
- 5影响反应速度的因素与影响反应速度常数的因素有何不同
- 6请问:晚上好!祝一切顺利.用文言文怎样翻译?thank you.
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- 10如图,用长度相等的小木棒搭成的三角形网络