求一篇英语作文 请介绍你的寒假,内容包括:1.锻炼身体; 2.3.做家务等.词数要求:60个左右
From next week on, I don't need to go to school any more, and I can't wait to welcome the coming winter vacation!I make myself more stronger
What I'm thinking is relaxing myself and having a good rest, like maybe reading some books, or watching TV. My mom would be happy if I do the chores. What's more, I will hang out with friends and enjoy the time with them.I will do homework everyday!
Actually immediately comes the Spring Festival,the eve of which for Chinese is a meaningful night. In that night we entire family will enjoy the delicious and abundant dinner and watch TV shows together. Of course the brilliant fireworks! A harmouious and peaceful night is the favorite of everybody here.
I also help my mother with my family's house work
What I'm thinking is relaxing myself and having a good rest, like maybe reading some books, or watching TV. My mom would be happy if I do the chores. What's more, I will hang out with friends and enjoy the time with them.I will do homework everyday!
Actually immediately comes the Spring Festival,the eve of which for Chinese is a meaningful night. In that night we entire family will enjoy the delicious and abundant dinner and watch TV shows together. Of course the brilliant fireworks! A harmouious and peaceful night is the favorite of everybody here.
I also help my mother with my family's house work
- 1f(x)是以2为周期的奇函数,当x属于(-1,0)是,f(x)=2x-1,求f(2/9)的值
- 2(急!)全等三角形的判定中没有的边边角(注意,不是边角边),在什么条件下成立?
- 3一理想变压器的副线圈为200匝,输出电压为10V,则铁芯内的磁通量变化率的最大值为( ) A.0.07Wb/s B.5Wb/s C.7.05Wb/s D.14.1Wb/s
- 4(3x-4y)•(_)=9x2-16y2;5x2-6x+1-(_)=7x+8.
- 5many,you,send,how,emails,do连词成句
- 6浓硫酸与稀硫酸怎样区分?
- 7*《左传》记载了晋公子重耳光逃亡的故事:日夜兼程、疲饿交加的重耳,向田间一位耕作的老农乞讨食物,老农捧起一把泥土递给他,一言不发.重耳正要发怒,却被随从劝阻,并耳语了几句.重耳突然跪倒在地,叩头感谢上
- 8求一道智力题
- 9一个棱长30厘米的正方体木块,在其中一面的中间挖去一个棱长10厘米的小正方体后,这时木块表面的面积是多少平方厘米
- 10英语中,怎么对画线动词提问,提问后动词怎么变化
- 1氯化铁和氯化亚铁的转换方程式
- 2设A是三阶矩阵,β1β2β3是互不相同的3维列向量,且都不是方程组AX=0的解,记B(β1,β2,β3),且满足r(AB)
- 3当你要劝慰别人读书要持之以恒,不可间断运用哪句格言
- 4在一段双轨铁道上,两辆列车迎头驶过,A列车的车速为20米/秒,B列车的车速为25米/秒,A列车全长200米,B列
- 5一内壁光滑的环形细圆管,位于竖直平面内,环的半径为R(比细管的内径大得多),在圆管中有两个直径略小于细管内径的小球(可视为质点)A、B,A球质量为m1,B球质量为m2,它们沿圆管
- 6简谐振动平衡位置指的是什么
- 7没什么别的用英语怎么说
- 8化学反应C+O2 点燃 CO2的说法中错误的是
- 9已知a、b互为相反数,c、d互为倒数,m的绝对值=2,求2分之1×(a+b-1)-3cd-2m的值
- 10如题