I'm truly sorry that I have upset you.I realize I've probably taken too long to write all this,and I really can't even remember why we were fighting,but I'd love to fix it.I know you probably don't want to see or hear from me,but I had to take the time to be sure that you know how sorry I am.I need to know where you stand.Do you think this is worth fixing?I will do anything and everything to compensate for what I've done,as long as you will let me.You don't HAVE to forgive me,and you don't HAVE to be friends with me again.I just needed to give this one more shot.Just to make sure I didn't leave behind a friendship that could have easily been fixed.I love you more than all the chocolate in the world.Always know that.:)
I'm truly sorry that I have upset you.I realize I've probably taken too long to write all this,and I really can't even remember why we were fighting,but I'd love to fix it.I know you probably don't want to see or hear from me,but I had to take the time to be sure that you know how sorry I am.I need to know where you stand.Do you think this is worth fixing?I will do anything and everything to compensate for what I've done,as long as you will let me.You don't HAVE to forgive me,and you don't HAVE to be friends with me again.I just needed to give this one more shot.Just to make sure I didn't leave behind a friendship that could have easily been fixed.I love you more than all the chocolate in the world.Always know that.:)
- 1高中数学题已知P(x,y)是抛物线y^2=2x和直线2x+y-2=0围成的封闭区域(包括边界)内的点,则x+y的最小值为
- 2从第1到第20的英文怎么写
- 3初一语文课本讲了那几篇课文
- 4在1冰;2.纯净的自来水;3.啤酒;4.铁;5.二氧化硫;6.甲烷;7.氮气7种物质中
- 5作文 我最感兴趣的一件事
- 6《童年》 第一章至第第十三章得主要内容 一章大概150字左右
- 7---Which of your parents is a doctor?--___.They are ___ teachers.
- 8某校初三有两个班,中考体育成绩优秀者有92人,全年级的优秀率约为92%,其中一班优秀率为96%,二班优秀率为百
- 9这条河比那条河长三倍汉译英
- 10在3×3方格上做填字游戏,要求每行每列及对角线上三个方格中的数字和都等于S,又填在图中三格中的数字如图,若要能填成,则( ) 10 8 13 A.S=24 B.S=30 C.S=31 D.S=39
- 1英语作文thanks for our school
- 2已知A=2x²y-xy²,B=x²y-3xy²,且3A-2B-C=0,求C的表达式
- 3小球以v1=3m/s的速度水平向右运动,碰到墙壁经t=0.01s后以v2=2m/s的速度沿同一直线反弹.小球在这0.01s内的平均加速度为( ) A.100m/s2,方向向右 B.100m/s2,方
- 4小学空间与图形:图形之间的关系
- 5一 辆汽车陷入泥水中,为了将它拖出,司机用一条长41米的绳系于车前钩,另一端系于距车40米处的一棵大树上,然后在绳之中点用900牛的力F向垂直于车与大树连线方向拉绳,将车拖出,试求车所受拉力的大小.
- 6算24的数学题
- 7状字开头的成语?
- 8已知等差数列{an}中,a6+a9+a12+a15=20,求数列{an}前20项和Sn
- 9父子两人晨跑,父亲从家到公园跑步需要30分钟,儿子只需20分钟,如果父亲比儿子早出发5分钟,儿子追上父亲需要多少分钟?用一元一次方程解
- 10某学校准备组织部分教师上海旅游,先联系了甲、乙两家旅行社,两家旅行社报名均为400元/人,同时两家旅行社都对10人以上的团体推出了优惠举措:甲旅行社对每位游客七五折优惠;而乙旅行社是免去一位带队老师的