the govrenmeng took action to reduce the pollution 的被动语态和一般疑问句
I asked him about the history of the town
Well,I have seen one Isaw it at the history museum last week
My family has owned a boat since 1920
We took photos infont of the whale fountain at the entance
Dad bought some stationery for my cousin
I will show them to you when I come back 同上
I asked him about the history of the town
Well,I have seen one Isaw it at the history museum last week
My family has owned a boat since 1920
We took photos infont of the whale fountain at the entance
Dad bought some stationery for my cousin
I will show them to you when I come back 同上
Action was taken to reduce the pollution by the government.
Did the government take action to reduce the pollution
He was asked about the history of the town.
Did you ask him about the history of the town?
it was seen at the history museum last week
did you see it at the history museum last week
A boat has been owned by my family since 1920.
Has your family owned a boat since 1920?
the photos were taken in front of the whale fountain at the entance
Did you take photos in front of the whale fountain at the entance
some stationery was bought for my cousin by my dad
did your dad buy any stationery for your cousin?
they will be shown to you when i come back.
will you show them to me when you come back?
Did the government take action to reduce the pollution
He was asked about the history of the town.
Did you ask him about the history of the town?
it was seen at the history museum last week
did you see it at the history museum last week
A boat has been owned by my family since 1920.
Has your family owned a boat since 1920?
the photos were taken in front of the whale fountain at the entance
Did you take photos in front of the whale fountain at the entance
some stationery was bought for my cousin by my dad
did your dad buy any stationery for your cousin?
they will be shown to you when i come back.
will you show them to me when you come back?
- 1选择学校的一种树木,查阅资料,按名称.外应特征和作用向同学们介绍 老师留这个题帮帮啊 我给10财富
- 2已知一次函数y=2x-5m的图象与x轴的交点在A(-1,0)与B(4,0)之间(包括A、B两点),求m的取值范围.
- 3Bill gates was born on october 28 1995 he wa n_ william henry after ...这篇文章的首字母填空怎么写
- 4孩子做计算题时用计算器
- 5useful expressions: 是什么意思?
- 6函数y=2x的平方-6x+3(-1≤x≤1)的值域?
- 7关于秋天两字的形容词
- 8设四元非齐次线性方程组的系数矩阵的秩为3,已知η1,η2,η3 是它的三个解向量,且
- 9水.食用油.洗洁精流动快慢跟什么有关
- 10活到老,学到老.
- 1用所给词的适当形式组成句子.
- 2如果a分之五减去b分之三等于四十分之一,且a和b是互质数【ab的公因数只有一】,则a是【】,b是【】
- 31/x=1/1.12x+3怎么解
- 4直线l;y=x+b与曲线c;y=根号下1-x的方 有两个公共点 则b的取值范围为
- 5用峭壁林立、奇峰罗列、峰回路转造一个句子
- 6当猪饲料中含硫氨基酸不足.是否要添加蛋氨酸?
- 7一点英语语法问题
- 8一个平行四边形,高7分米,低比高的三倍少0.1米,这个平行四边形的面积是?平方分米
- 9手疾眼快的意思
- 10下列说法中错误的是( ) A.A、B两点之间的距离为3cm B.A、B两点之间的距离为线段AB的长度 C.线段AB的中点C到A、B两点的距离相等 D.A、B两点之间的距离是线段AB