It was a Saturday evening 改错…………谢谢
十处.It was a Saturday evening when my friends and I were playing the football.With am important match coming the next week.we decided to practice more .We both wanted to do well at the match .Suddenly,one of my friends fell over.I was shocked and run towards him.I saw blood on his head.Everyone felt scary.After a while,we took him to the nearest hospitals.I also called his family to tell them about the accident.When we were sitting and waiting.a doctor walked us and said that nothing seriously had happened and that my friend would recove soon.We were more than happier to hear that.
十处.It was a Saturday evening when my friends and I were playing the football.With am important match coming the next week.we decided to practice more .We both wanted to do well at the match .Suddenly,one of my friends fell over.I was shocked and run towards him.I saw blood on his head.Everyone felt scary.After a while,we took him to the nearest hospitals.I also called his family to tell them about the accident.When we were sitting and waiting.a doctor walked us and said that nothing seriously had happened and that my friend would recove soon.We were more than happier to hear that.
It was a Saturday evening when my friends and I were playing the(应去掉the) football.With am(应an) important match coming the next week.we decided to practice more .We both(应all) wanted to do well at...
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- 71.在一道减法算式中,被减数、减数与差相加的和是4.12,被减数是( );若差是1.5,则减数是( ).
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- 3英语句子改错题及对应答案
- 4This is such a wonderful film ________ we have never seen.A.as B.that C.which D.what
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