人教版的 Journey Down The Mekong
Several months before our trip,Wang Wei and I went to the library.We found a large atlas with good maps that showed details of world geography.From the atlas we could see that the Mekong River begins in a glacier on a Tibetan mountain.At first the river is small and the water is clear and cold.Then it begins to move quickly.It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys,travelling across western Yunnan Province.Sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide valleys.We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China.After it leaves China and the high altitude,the Mekong becomes wide,brown and warm.As it enters Southeast Asia,its pace slows.It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows.At last,the river delta enters the South China Sea.
人教版的 Journey Down The Mekong
Several months before our trip,Wang Wei and I went to the library.We found a large atlas with good maps that showed details of world geography.From the atlas we could see that the Mekong River begins in a glacier on a Tibetan mountain.At first the river is small and the water is clear and cold.Then it begins to move quickly.It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys,travelling across western Yunnan Province.Sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide valleys.We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China.After it leaves China and the high altitude,the Mekong becomes wide,brown and warm.As it enters Southeast Asia,its pace slows.It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows.At last,the river delta enters the South China Sea.
- 1已知一个数的7分之5是10分之3,这个数的14分之13是多少?
- 2翻译:留着长长的金色头发的那个女孩是一名电影演员.
- 3观察鸟的形态结构示意图,下列说法与鸟适于飞行生活没有关系的是( ) A.有坚硬的角质喙 B.身体呈流线型,体表被覆羽毛 C.胸肌发达,有可用于飞翔的翼 D.有发达的气囊辅助呼吸
- 4CO2和C、O反应吗
- 54名同学分别报名参加学校的足球队,篮球队,乒乓球队,每人限报其中的一个运动队,不同报法的种数是( ) A.34 B.43 C.24 D.12
- 6Please cool the water first.怎么用英语解释据子?
- 7如果M=2乘3乘7,N=2乘5乘7,那么M和N的最大公约数是( ),最小公倍数是( ).
- 8五年级2个班参加活动,1班40人,2班48人,现在要分2班分成若干,每个的人数同样多,每组最多能有几人?
- 9US和USA一样吗?为什么?表示什么?
- 10(x+y)/2是单项式还是2项式