英语被动语态 主动变被动 被动变主动
1 we often hear her sing the song
2 Miss ding teaches us English
3 I am influenced by my parents
4 when did they make these cars?
5 We will build a new dig school in two years
6 Three man-made satellites have been sent up into space by them
7 He turned on the computer an hour ago
8 The police man saw a thief rushing out of the shop
9 My father has written to my brother
1 we often hear her sing the song
2 Miss ding teaches us English
3 I am influenced by my parents
4 when did they make these cars?
5 We will build a new dig school in two years
6 Three man-made satellites have been sent up into space by them
7 He turned on the computer an hour ago
8 The police man saw a thief rushing out of the shop
9 My father has written to my brother
大概是这样的:1she often heard sung the song(by us)2we are being taught english by miss ding3my parent was infiuenced to me4when these cars were made by them5a new dig school will be built by us in two...
- 177除以1.4简算
- 2肺气压与外界气压差怎样区别出哪个是呼气.哪个是吸气(图)
- 3有机物常见基团的特征反应或题目突破线索?羟基,羧基,醛基,硝基,碳碳双键,碳碳三键
- 4甲.乙两名工人加工一批零件,甲先花去2.5小时改装机器,因此,前3小时比乙少做400个零件,有同时加工了4小
- 5一个质数如果被4除余3,这样的质数一定不可以表示为两个自然数的平方和吗
- 6空城计梗概50字以内
- 7写一封信给笔友Mary的英语作文怎么写?急
- 8in Plain sight 和乐队Talking Heads
- 9because people always miss the god when have difficult situation
- 10请帮我分析下一个很简单的英语句子
- 1氧化还原反应的本质是不是化合价的改变?
- 2高中英语必修四学的词组:相反地.是什么?
- 3什么是边界啊,什么是闭区域,什么是开区域啊?
- 4把一根底面周长是24cm长是18cm的圆柱形钢材加工成与它等底等体积的圆锥形钢材,圆锥的高是多少?
- 5一个数的5分之7除84得到的商与18的3分之2相等,求这个数!
- 6修一段公路,甲队独做要用40天,乙队独做要用24天.现在两队同时从两端开工,结果在距中点750米处相遇.这段公路长多少米?
- 7一个正方体棱长20厘米,把它削成一个最大的圆柱,这个圆柱的表面积是多少平方厘米?
- 8圣枪游侠说的英文什么意思
- 9even to me 和 even me 分别怎么翻译?
- 10一段多核苷酸链中碱基组成为30%的A.30%的C.20%的G.20%的T.它是一段( ) A.双链DNA B.单链DNA C.双链RNA D.单链RNA