Your patience and cooperation.
The speed of member account set up will depend upon your patience and cooperation.
Reading things carefully,understanding fully.
We can only take you through Gold Account set up if you read things carefully.Not reading things properly will cause delays in your set up.Too many mistakes may result in your application being withdrawn.
A WORKING email address.
Membership set up is done by email.Please make sure your email address is correct and working,(and that your email account is not full to capacity) BEFORE applying.
A thorough application.
Please take your time when submitting an application.We need to know a little about you,and why you would be a suitable member for Gaia Gold."I like movies let me in" for example,is not a thorough application.
Please read the application instructions CAREFULLY.Your cooperation in reading things fully will be apparent in your application.Please go through application and set up
Your patience and cooperation.
The speed of member account set up will depend upon your patience and cooperation.
Reading things carefully,understanding fully.
We can only take you through Gold Account set up if you read things carefully.Not reading things properly will cause delays in your set up.Too many mistakes may result in your application being withdrawn.
A WORKING email address.
Membership set up is done by email.Please make sure your email address is correct and working,(and that your email account is not full to capacity) BEFORE applying.
A thorough application.
Please take your time when submitting an application.We need to know a little about you,and why you would be a suitable member for Gaia Gold."I like movies let me in" for example,is not a thorough application.
Please read the application instructions CAREFULLY.Your cooperation in reading things fully will be apparent in your application.Please go through application and set up
- 1How to learn successfully
- 2在同一平面内有2014条直线,如果a1垂直于a2,a2平行于a3,这样的话,问a1于a2014是什么关系?说明理由.
- 3冬天植物、动物的变化
- 42×3读作什么?
- 5古代人们没有发明数字前,一般用什么计数方法
- 6化简sin(α+π/4)/(2cos²α/2)+(2sinα/2)(cosα/2)-1
- 7在△ABC中,D在BC的延长线上,且AC=CD,CE是△ACD的中线,CF平分角ACB,求证:CE⊥CF和CF‖AD
- 8故事书和科技书共有24本,其中故事书占总数的3分之1,故事书和科技书的本数比是( ):( )
- 9变压器从满载到半载功率如何变化?变压器的功率决定于什么?与负载又有什么关系
- 10打破沙锅问到底是什么精神
- 1“王芳和李强去超市了” ,中的 “和” 怎样看做连词,怎样看做介词?
- 2方解石是什么成分?和石灰石不一样吗?
- 3成语填空:()人心()
- 4英语翻译
- 5Everyone __________ the right to his own opinion.
- 6I love the clean air and sunshine.为什么在sunshine的前面不加the?
- 7已知16的m次方=a,4的n次方=b,求2的5m+2n次方.
- 8已知函数f(x)=(1+tanx)cos2x的定义域为(0,π2),则函数f(x)的值域为 _ .
- 9方程.脱式计算和应用题(l六年级.有百分数.分数)
- 10连词成句future ,we,create,a,will,work,to,better,hard(.)