求一篇英语daily report
Good morning,today is my turn to do a daily report.We all know that an important issue of language is the translation.
Because there are many differences in customs and cultures in different countries,translation content will be poles apart from that.Light may simply cause a misunderstanding joke,but in the important occasions,a small translation error may cause many serious consequences.Therefore,today I would like to discuss translation issue.
First please appreciate this poem.This is one of very familiar ancient poem.Now I would like to show this poem in English translation.After reading,I wonder if you would like that translated versions.In fact we do not have many opportunities for translating the ancient poetry,but like translating dish name and film name is still very common.
So how will the country's cultural essence of the Natural translated into the languages of other countries,so that people will not feel nonsensical,this should be studied in depth.At this point,some Chinese tanslators do very good.Because of their translation,we could read Jane Eyre,read floating masterpiece,and people of all countries can communicate with each other in the the spirit.
I hope some of our students can be translators in the near future,at that time It's your turn to solve this problem.
Because there are many differences in customs and cultures in different countries,translation content will be poles apart from that.Light may simply cause a misunderstanding joke,but in the important occasions,a small translation error may cause many serious consequences.Therefore,today I would like to discuss translation issue.
First please appreciate this poem.This is one of very familiar ancient poem.Now I would like to show this poem in English translation.After reading,I wonder if you would like that translated versions.In fact we do not have many opportunities for translating the ancient poetry,but like translating dish name and film name is still very common.
So how will the country's cultural essence of the Natural translated into the languages of other countries,so that people will not feel nonsensical,this should be studied in depth.At this point,some Chinese tanslators do very good.Because of their translation,we could read Jane Eyre,read floating masterpiece,and people of all countries can communicate with each other in the the spirit.
I hope some of our students can be translators in the near future,at that time It's your turn to solve this problem.
- 1“许多到中国来游览的外宾,看到詹天佑留下的伟大工程,都赞叹不已”,发挥你的想象,扩展300字左右.
- 2无论m的取何实数,多项式2m²-6m+(2分之15))的值必大于或等于________.
- 3“体育运动的好处”用英语怎么说?
- 4把-7,-3,1,5,9五个数填入方格内,使横、竖方向三个数之和相等,你有几种填发
- 5a,b两数差的平方表示为(a-b)的二次方对吗?
- 6什么物质的化学式为CH4O?并附求其简介.
- 7在比例尺是1/5000000的地图上,测得甲乙两地的距离是8厘米,在另一幅1:4000000的地图上,甲乙两地相距多少厘米?
- 8有关节日的诗句.像:春节、清明节、端午节,中秋节……
- 9配合公差是多少?
- 10按如图所示的摆法摆99个三角形,其中白色三角形的个数为( )个 ▲▲△△▲△▲▲△△▲△▲▲.
- 1英语或数学达人请进!
- 222.We went to a movie years .It was an action movie------ Rush Hour .
- 3想好运算顺序,再算一算,带“★”必须用简便计算否则不计分,可要细心哦! 360÷(60-54) 0÷32+32÷4 200-(76+40×3) 2×80-60÷5 0÷80+(46-0)×0 175+
- 4请问:he is never troubled by such feelings.句中feeling为什么加复数.另外trouble意为什么?
- 5在受迫振动中,系统的振幅是否只与驱动力的频率有关,而与驱动力的大小无关.
- 61.甲乙两个书架有书300本 甲书架上的书占两个书架上书的总数的60% 甲书架上的书比乙书架多几本?
- 7江畔独步寻花诗 杜甫的诗句
- 8用 矢志不移 孜孜以求 包罗万象 懦弱潦倒 见异思迁 志存高远
- 9请高手帮我把一段中文翻译成英文,要完整确切的翻译,不要简译
- 10翻译Soledad,why did you leave me