* BAF/CAF are subject to change
* All quotations are subject to possible local surcharges in ports of loading/destination,BAF level applicable at the time of shipment and all tariff terms,conditions.
* All bookings are subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Carriers Bill of Lading.
* Special Equipment (Open Tops,Flat Racks,etc) are subject to availability at the time of booking.
* Hazardous cargo is subject to acceptance.
* Bookings are subject to space,equipment availability Your information on future prospects,expected volumes of cargo and shipments to other destinations is highly appreciated.
* All quotations are subject to possible local surcharges in ports of loading/destination,BAF level applicable at the time of shipment and all tariff terms,conditions.
* All bookings are subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Carriers Bill of Lading.
* Special Equipment (Open Tops,Flat Racks,etc) are subject to availability at the time of booking.
* Hazardous cargo is subject to acceptance.
* Bookings are subject to space,equipment availability Your information on future prospects,expected volumes of cargo and shipments to other destinations is highly appreciated.
BAF/CAF 都是附加费
BAF 是燃油附加费 每个航线都不一样的 现在欧基是779 地中海是766
CAF 是货币贬值费 现在欧洲 地中海是17.9%
BAF 是燃油附加费 每个航线都不一样的 现在欧基是779 地中海是766
CAF 是货币贬值费 现在欧洲 地中海是17.9%
- 1柳永的望海潮一词上片和下片写了什么内容
- 2hand it in等不等于hand in it?
- 3两个连续偶数的平方差一定是( ).A.4的倍数.B.6的倍数.C.8的倍数.D.以上都不对
- 4so that和too that
- 5the bird is small and l__
- 6已知a=81的27次方,b=27的41次方,c=9的51次方,试比较a,b,c的大小
- 7浓硫酸和水的密度哪个大
- 8No good method is there is not a good quality control
- 9方程4x-2x=10的解是什么 请再写一个方程使它的解与这个方程的解相同
- 10实验小学有5.7吨煤,已经烧了4天,平均每天烧0.3吨,余下的平均每天烧0.25吨,还可以烧几天
- 1戚继光与福州的故事100字
- 2with eyes open wide中的wide到底是用作副词,修饰open;还是用作形容词,和open一起做宾补
- 3英文天气预报稿件
- 4学习哪个流派的哲学,会以较大程定提高自己思辨能力?或者说哪个哲学流派更加接近思辨哲学?
- 5从甲地到乙地的实际距离大约为900km,在比例尺上是1:5000000的地图上,图上距离大约为多少厘米?
- 6一道关于笛卡尔积的简单计算题
- 7《鲁宾孙漂流记》的阅读考级题目
- 8一个小数扩大到原来的3倍后,比原来数大5.4,这个小数是?怎么列式?
- 9平行四边形的一个内角平分线把它的一边分成了5CM和3CM,则此平行四边形的周长为
- 10一只纸箱子中装有50只白袜子、50只红袜子、50只黑袜子,这些袜子的大小、质地都一样.一次至少要摸出多少