是run-on sentence吗?
1.After Candy despair to agree let Carlson kills the dog,Carlson bring the dog to outside and shoot the dog.
2.After Candy hears the dream from George and Lennie,Candy has a dream went with them,because he can have a farm for him to live peace.
3.After Lennie broke Curley's hand in the bunkhouse,George is scared they will fire,because Curley is boss's son.
4.After Lennie and George arrive to the bunkhouse,George did not let Lennie talk much because he would makes troubles,so it cause boos think George is bully on Lennie.
5.After Lennie saw Curley's wife came in to the bunkhouse and gave the eye to Slim,Lennie is defensively saying she is pretty,because Curley's wife fascinates Lennie.
1.After Candy despair to agree let Carlson kills the dog,Carlson bring the dog to outside and shoot the dog.
2.After Candy hears the dream from George and Lennie,Candy has a dream went with them,because he can have a farm for him to live peace.
3.After Lennie broke Curley's hand in the bunkhouse,George is scared they will fire,because Curley is boss's son.
4.After Lennie and George arrive to the bunkhouse,George did not let Lennie talk much because he would makes troubles,so it cause boos think George is bully on Lennie.
5.After Lennie saw Curley's wife came in to the bunkhouse and gave the eye to Slim,Lennie is defensively saying she is pretty,because Curley's wife fascinates Lennie.
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