求一编大英作文“Tradition Respect for Old Age China”
There is a fine(old比较好,没有fine tradition一说) tradition that the young should respect(pay respect to比单一的respect要好) the elder(the elderly) in China(in China最好掉到old tradition后,这样比较顺).The tradition continues until now(这一整句改成This moral has been preserved until now更好).But with the fast(rapid) development of the society,some young people have no time to show their respect to(show respct for或者pay respect to) their parents.Young people have their own social circles,and there are different ways of life from their parents.(这一句改为:As the young have their own social circles,their life can be very different from their parents') They prefer going out for(改为on)a holiday to living together with their parents(整句改为They preferto going out on holidays than staying together with their family.prefer doing to doing sth是对的但不常用).I think young people need their own life and(改为but) they shouldn’t ignore their parents’ life the same(the same改为as well,整句话是个人观点,宜放在最前面或者最后总结,不应在此插入).Nowadays young people need to(need to 改为are forced to,不是他们自己愿意face的) face(the) intense(intensive,不是intense) competition,(And,此处少连词)they need to(have to,理由同上) make more money to support their family.As a result,they have to make a difficult choice between playing out of doors and caring for their parents on holidays(这句话是典型的Chinguish,改为:As a result,they have to get trapped in a dilemna between their social life and family relations).Caring for parents is obligatory,but I think young people should help their parents to look for their own life(这句整句话是什么意思?我没看懂).There is a eneration(这个不算generation gap吧?直接改为There lies a huge gap between...) gap between young people and their parents—different tastes,(distinctive) hobbies,(insimilar)ideas and so on.Young people don’t want to change their life-style(中间没有连字符) and s
- 1F(x)=f(x)-g(x)其中f(x)=log0.5(x-3)当且仅当点(X0,Y0)在y=f(x)的图象上时(2X0,2Y0)在y=g(x)上,求y=g(x)解析式
- 2爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏.千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符.
- 3“你跳海我也跳海”汉语翻译成英语
- 4The house ______ was destroyed in the terrible fire ,has been repaired.
- 5野草烧不尽,春风吹又生.是哪朝诗人谁的诗句
- 6在我回家的路上,碰巧遇到从老家来看我的叔叔.(happen to)英语翻译
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- 9英语翻译
- 10帮我写一篇你在今年的中秋节要干什么的短文,要英语的,大概80个单词,
- 1如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC=5,BC=6,点M为BC的中点,MN⊥AC于点N,则MN等于( ) A.65 B.95 C.125 D.165
- 2数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,数列{bn}中,b1=a1,bn=an-an-1(n≥2),若an+Sn=n. (1)设cn=an-1,求证:数列{cn}是等比数列; (2)求数列{bn}的通项公式.
- 3急求能使沸点降低的化学物质?
- 42Na2O2+2H2O===4NaOH+O2中的电子转移情况及氧化剂还原剂氧化产物还原产物 急用
- 5一匹布长36米,裁了10件大人衣服8件儿童衣服,每件儿童衣服用布X米,
- 6怎么求它们的导函数:1:Y=2分之X根号下X的平方+a平方+2分之a平方(X+根号下X的平方加a平方)
- 7下列文言词语有不同的意思或用法,这在过去所学的古诗文或成语中都出现过,你能举出一二例来说明吗?
- 8我的伙伴400字作文快礼拜五之前!
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- 10The students ——(have)a P.E.class on the playground at four yesterday afternoon 填什么?