The journey was long and tired.We left London at five in the evening and spend eight hours on the train.We had been traveling for three hours after someone appeared selling food or drinks.It was dark when we were cross Wales so we could see nothing across the Windows.When we finally arrived Holyhead,nearly everyone was sleeping.As soon as a train stopped,everyone came to life.While we were getting off the traun,it was an announcement that the boat had not arrived in yet from Ireland and there had been delay.When the boat finally came,we have been waiting for over 2 hours
The journey was long and tired.We left London at five in the evening and spend eight hours on the train.We had been traveling for three hours after someone appeared selling food or drinks.It was dark when we were cross Wales so we could see nothing across the Windows.When we finally arrived Holyhead,nearly everyone was sleeping.As soon as a train stopped,everyone came to life.While we were getting off the traun,it was an announcement that the boat had not arrived in yet from Ireland and there had been delay.When the boat finally came,we have been waiting for over 2 hours
- 1用1000t含氧化铁80%的赤铁矿石,理论上可以炼出含铁96%的生铁的质量是多少?
- 2一个火柴盒长5厘米,宽3厘米,问;制造这种火柴盒需多少平方厘米?只在一个
- 3“食物中含有蛋白质、淀粉和脂肪”的实验中,纱布中黄白色的胶状物质是( ) A.淀粉 B.蛋白质 C.脂肪 D.维生素
- 4《天净沙 秋思》 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马.夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯.
- 51-1在不等于零的情况下等于什么?求大神帮助
- 6第一次接触魔方 从没看过公式 就能将其拼好的人 智商应该是多少?
- 7函数x2+2(m-1)x+2的递减区间喂小于等于—2和这个函数在小于等于—2上是减函数.m取值有什么样的不同?
- 8为什么细菌和真菌生存条件中不包括“氧气”?
- 9角a的终边过点P(sin3,-cos3),则角a 等于
- 10病句如下
- 1a bus is the park
- 2connect to 与connect with的区别
- 3上一年级的小孩拼音总学不好,该如何教?
- 4She takes us out to play games.
- 5一杯牛奶,第一次喝去1/2后,加满水又喝去它的1/2,两次共喝纯牛奶多少杯?
- 6'今天依然屹立的金字塔不正是奴隶们的劳动成果吗?'这句话怎样缩句
- 710 7 7 2如何算24点?还有5 4 7 9 5 5 7 10 12 4 9 2
- 8根据首字母完成句子 】
- 9请排版清爽,讲解易懂,答得好我会加分的!(请不要粘贴,
- 10若函数f(x+1)=x2-2x+1的定义域为[-2,6],则函数y=f(x)的单调递减区间_.