If a bill of exchange showing more than one on board notation is presented under a credit which requires drafts to be drawn, for example, at 60 days after or from bill of lading date, and the goods according to both or all on board notations were shipped from ports within a permitted geographical area or region, the earliest of these on board dates will be used for calculation of the maturity date. Example: the credit requires shipment from European port and the bill of lading evidences on board vessel “A” from Dublin August 16, and on board vessel “B” from Rotterdam August 18. The draft should reflect 60 days from the earliest on board date in European port, i.e. August 16.
If a bill of exchange showing more than one on board notation is presented under a credit which requires drafts to be drawn, for example, at 60 days after or from bill of lading date, and the goods according to both or all on board notations were shipped from ports within a permitted geographical area or region, the earliest of these on board dates will be used for calculation of the maturity date. Example: the credit requires shipment from European port and the bill of lading evidences on board vessel “A” from Dublin August 16, and on board vessel “B” from Rotterdam August 18. The draft should reflect 60 days from the earliest on board date in European port, i.e. August 16.
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