Looking for the Office
Jake 'boss --1--- him to go to an office in London --2---.Jake never goes to London.But he knows the office--3---from the station.So he thinks,"I'll--4---- .''
After an hour,he is still ---5--- the office.So he stops and asks an old woman.She --6--- ,''Go along the street.--7---the tall building and it's --8---- your right.''Jake goes to find it.
A few days --9---- ,he goes to the same city,but again he can not find the office.So he asks someone--10
----.It is just the same old woman.She is very surprised and says,''Are you still looking for that place?''
1.A.tells B.speaks C.talks D.says
2.A.on train B.by trains C.by train D.in train
3.A.isn't far B.is far C.isn't away D.is away
4.A.find it easy B.look for it eas C.look for it easily D.find it easily
5.A.looking at B.looking for C.looking after D.looking up
6.A.sees B.says C.takes D.tells
7.A.Turn left in B.turn left on C.Turn left at D.Turn left at
8.A.in B.on C.at D.to
9.A.late B.after C.before D.later
10.A.for helping B.for helps C.for help D.to helping
Looking for the Office
Jake 'boss --1--- him to go to an office in London --2---.Jake never goes to London.But he knows the office--3---from the station.So he thinks,"I'll--4---- .''
After an hour,he is still ---5--- the office.So he stops and asks an old woman.She --6--- ,''Go along the street.--7---the tall building and it's --8---- your right.''Jake goes to find it.
A few days --9---- ,he goes to the same city,but again he can not find the office.So he asks someone--10
----.It is just the same old woman.She is very surprised and says,''Are you still looking for that place?''
1.A.tells B.speaks C.talks D.says
2.A.on train B.by trains C.by train D.in train
3.A.isn't far B.is far C.isn't away D.is away
4.A.find it easy B.look for it eas C.look for it easily D.find it easily
5.A.looking at B.looking for C.looking after D.looking up
6.A.sees B.says C.takes D.tells
7.A.Turn left in B.turn left on C.Turn left at D.Turn left at
8.A.in B.on C.at D.to
9.A.late B.after C.before D.later
10.A.for helping B.for helps C.for help D.to helping
7.选C和D都一样 在高楼处左拐
10.选C,ask for help
10.选C,ask for help
- 1甲、乙两筐桔子,每筐72个,从甲筐里拿一些到乙筐,使乙筐的桔子数量比甲筐多40%,那么从甲筐拿到乙筐的桔
- 2A只要加速度方向与速度方向相同,物体的速度就是增大的
- 3已知A={xlx²﹣Ax+A²﹣19=0},B={xlX²-5X+8=2},C=x丨X²+2X-8=0}若空集真子集A∩B,且A∩B=∅,求A的值
- 4树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待是啥意思?
- 5Only there at the top can you see all of the nice things.其中at the top是不是补语?
- 6在蒸馏水中常加入几粒沸石或碎石瓷片是因为什么?
- 7线性代数 如何证明 rank(AB)
- 8把7米长的绳子平均分成4段,每段长()米;每段是全长的();每段是1米的().
- 9五年级买了4O张电影票,甲种票3.5元乙种票2.5元一共用了13O元,问甲种票和乙种各买了多少张?
- 10现有浓度为10%的盐水100克,想得到浓度为20%的盐水,需加盐多少克?
- 1什么学步 填入人名或地名的成语
- 2英才小学有93人参加两个兴趣小组.已知绘画组人数的3/4与体育组的4/5相等.这两个组各有多少人?
- 3澳大利亚的地形分布特征是( )
- 4作文 那一刻,我的世界春暖花开 开头段怎么写
- 5请问用天文望眼镜是否能观察到太阳系以外的行星?
- 6奇迹的名字叫父亲答案
- 7有一种小汽车的邮箱,里面长5分米,宽4.5分米,高2.3分米.每升汽油重0.38千克,这个油箱可装汽油多少千克?学校运来7.6立方米沙土,把这些沙土铺在一个长5米,宽3.8米的沙坑里,可以铺多厚?
- 8什么叫不同义项?
- 9辨析:1、意识能反作用于事物就是指意识对客观事物的发展起推动作用.
- 10He is going to visit his uncle nest saturday(改为同义句)