被老师一句“ I'm afraid your English,though,was very rough in places.”给打趴了,不知道自己又啥语法问题求纠正.
I known that the chimps is a quite smart species very closed to human before watching the firm,but I never realized that they can really understand the human langage.In this firm,the chimp - Kanzi have ability to understand human langage.Just like the experts said "If he have vowel chord ,he would be talking." Although there have a experiment shows that the chimps can not really make sentence use the complecated grammer just like human.They can not produce the language.They can just imitate the trainer.
In my own opinion,the chimps can communicate the information with us use they own way just like the baby,but they can not talk to us in our language.We can use the tools to communicate with chimps.Like kanzi can use the keyboard to touch the right symbol to express their thought.That means Kanzi can understand what the symbols' mean.So,in my mind,the chimps can not talk like human,but can communicate the information by teaching them use the tools.
被老师一句“ I'm afraid your English,though,was very rough in places.”给打趴了,不知道自己又啥语法问题求纠正.
I known that the chimps is a quite smart species very closed to human before watching the firm,but I never realized that they can really understand the human langage.In this firm,the chimp - Kanzi have ability to understand human langage.Just like the experts said "If he have vowel chord ,he would be talking." Although there have a experiment shows that the chimps can not really make sentence use the complecated grammer just like human.They can not produce the language.They can just imitate the trainer.
In my own opinion,the chimps can communicate the information with us use they own way just like the baby,but they can not talk to us in our language.We can use the tools to communicate with chimps.Like kanzi can use the keyboard to touch the right symbol to express their thought.That means Kanzi can understand what the symbols' mean.So,in my mind,the chimps can not talk like human,but can communicate the information by teaching them use the tools.
你好这位同学,我帮你把错误都找出来修改了,还改进了几处表达不是特别地道的地方来更加迎合英语习惯.结果如下: I have always been aware that the chimps are a quite smart species with an intelligence level...
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