the 60th anniversary of foundation of the People's Republic of China
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding both of the great People's Republic of China.Our country has indeed undergone tremendous changes over the past 60 years,having transformed from a destitute,under-developed and humiliated country to an increasingly powerful state with a high international standing.The living standard of the Chinese people has been improving and the development of our country has been widely recognised throughout the world.Especially in 2008,We Held the the twenty ninth Olympic Games,which is the great green Olympics.In that Olympics,Chinese athletes won 51 world champions,carried off 100 medals.By virtue of this historical breakthrough,not only the Chinese athletes have established their status in the international sports arena but have also embody our country is becoming more and more stronger.The success of the Beijing Olympic Games has greatly enhanced China's international status.More and more and more foreigners come to China,people are more and more profound understanding of China.
It is the common aspiration of the entire Chinese people is that our country be powerful and prosperous.we do sure that not in the future,our country will be a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world.
the 60th anniversary of foundation of the People's Republic of China
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding both of the great People's Republic of China.Our country has indeed undergone tremendous changes over the past 60 years,having transformed from a destitute,under-developed and humiliated country to an increasingly powerful state with a high international standing.The living standard of the Chinese people has been improving and the development of our country has been widely recognised throughout the world.Especially in 2008,We Held the the twenty ninth Olympic Games,which is the great green Olympics.In that Olympics,Chinese athletes won 51 world champions,carried off 100 medals.By virtue of this historical breakthrough,not only the Chinese athletes have established their status in the international sports arena but have also embody our country is becoming more and more stronger.The success of the Beijing Olympic Games has greatly enhanced China's international status.More and more and more foreigners come to China,people are more and more profound understanding of China.
It is the common aspiration of the entire Chinese people is that our country be powerful and prosperous.we do sure that not in the future,our country will be a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding both(cancel "both") of the great People's Republic of China.Our country has indeed undergone tremendous changes over the past 60 years,having transformed from a destitute,under-developed and humiliated country to an increasingly powerful state with a high international standing.The living standard of the Chinese people has been improving and the development of our country has been widely recognised throughout the world.Especially in 2008,We(change this part to "the world,especially in 2008 when we held") Held the the twenty ninth Olympic Games,which is the great green Olympics.In that Olympics(change to "During the games"),Chinese athletes won 51 world champions(change to 51 gold medals),carried off 100 medals.By virtue of this historical breakthrough,not only the Chinese athletes have established their status in the international sports arena but have also embody(change to "but also has embodied") our country is becoming more and more stronger(change to "our country's becoming stronger and stronger").The success of the Beijing Olympic Games has greatly enhanced China's international status.More and more and more(change to "More and more ") foreigners come to China,people are(change "are" to "have") more and more profound understanding of China.
It is the common aspiration of the entire Chinese people is(cancel this "is") that our country be powerful and prosperous.we do sure that not in the future(change to we are sure that in the near future),our country will be a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world.
It is the common aspiration of the entire Chinese people is(cancel this "is") that our country be powerful and prosperous.we do sure that not in the future(change to we are sure that in the near future),our country will be a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world.
- 1把一个高4厘米的长方体铁块完全浸入一个盛满水的玻璃钢中
- 2应接不暇的近义词(除了目不暇接)
- 3帮我写一篇英语作文,介绍我喜欢的运动员是谁,和他的爱好什么的,
- 4如何写关于禁毒的作文,要新颖的
- 5The radio station shows round the clock in six languages.是什么意思啊?
- 6和颜悦色的造句怎麼写
- 7高中生物 某DNA分子中含有某种碱基a个,则复制n次需要含该碱基的脱氧核苷酸数为?第n次?(>_
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- 9give sth
- 10若代数式2-x分之4 -x的值不小于-3,则x的取值范围是
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- 5金属实心圆柱体甲的密度为2000千克/立方米 体积为0.001立方米:薄壁圆柱体乙放在水平桌面上容器内盛有水水深0.2米
- 6梁可以组什么词,抑可以组什么词,省可以组什么词
- 7轮船的英文是,地铁,小车,火车,公交车,飞机呢!
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- 9“广场上人非常多”改为夸张句
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