Steve and Tom first met in their history class at an American university.Tom was an international student from Korea.He wanted to learn more about American culture and hoped that he and Steve would become good friends.Steve seemed very friendly.He always greeted Tom warmly before class.He even invited Tom to eat lunch with him.But after the semester was over,Steve seemed more distant.The two former classmates didn’t see each other very often at school.One day Tom decided to call Steve.Steve didn’t seem very interested in talking to him.Tom was hurt by Steve’s change.“Steve said we were friends,” Tom said,“and l thought friends were friends for ever.” As a foreigner,he doesn’t understand the way American view friendship.Americans use the word “friend” in a very general way.These friendships are based on common interests.When the shared activity ends,the friendship may end.Now as Steve and Tom are no longer class
Steve and Tom first met in their history class at an American university.Tom was an international student from Korea.He wanted to learn more about American culture and hoped that he and Steve would become good friends.Steve seemed very friendly.He always greeted Tom warmly before class.He even invited Tom to eat lunch with him.But after the semester was over,Steve seemed more distant.The two former classmates didn’t see each other very often at school.One day Tom decided to call Steve.Steve didn’t seem very interested in talking to him.Tom was hurt by Steve’s change.“Steve said we were friends,” Tom said,“and l thought friends were friends for ever.” As a foreigner,he doesn’t understand the way American view friendship.Americans use the word “friend” in a very general way.These friendships are based on common interests.When the shared activity ends,the friendship may end.Now as Steve and Tom are no longer class
- 1What we need ___(be) good books怎么填
- 2铁杵磨针中的:“太白感其意”一句中的“意”指的是什么?
- 3(1) 若方程mx平方+x-2m=0(m不等于0)的根的情况是 (2)以-3和1为根的一元二次方程是
- 4一个钟表的秒针长10cm,该钟表从2时第一次走到4时,其秒针针尖端走过了( )cm.
- 5填上适当的关联词
- 6地球能活多少岁?
- 7已知向量a=(-1,2),b=(1,-1),c=(3,-2),且c=m向量a+n向量b,求实数n,m的值
- 85.55除以(5分之18-2分之7乘12%)怎样简算
- 9已知满足如果x属于s那么6-x属于s的自然数x构成集合s 1若s是一个单元素合集,则,s=__,
- 10设A=2x²-3XY+Y²,B=4X²-6XY-3Y²,且(X-5)和(Y+2)²是互为相反数,求3A-2B的值