Feather race is popular in Australia.Do you want to know more about it?Please follow us
As few as two players can take part in this race,or as many as twenty,if you have a big room to run in.It is better played inside the room than in the open air.Each player needs a feather and a paper plate.
The room needs a starting line and a finishing line.Each player starts with a feather on a plate and races for the inish.Of course,the players must keep the feathers on the lates and the players are not allowed to touch them by hand.If he feather is droppedthen the player has to go back to the beginning and start again.The winner is the first person to cross the finishing line with his or her feather still on the plate.
Feather race is popular in Australia.Do you want to know more about it?Please follow us
As few as two players can take part in this race,or as many as twenty,if you have a big room to run in.It is better played inside the room than in the open air.Each player needs a feather and a paper plate.
The room needs a starting line and a finishing line.Each player starts with a feather on a plate and races for the inish.Of course,the players must keep the feathers on the lates and the players are not allowed to touch them by hand.If he feather is droppedthen the player has to go back to the beginning and start again.The winner is the first person to cross the finishing line with his or her feather still on the plate.
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- 8甲、乙两人分别后,沿着铁轨反向而行,此时,一列火车匀速地向甲迎面驶来,列车在甲身旁开过,用了15秒,然后在乙身旁开过,用了17秒,已知两人的步行速度都是3.6千米∕时,这列火车
- 9根据汉语提示,用英语写一篇短文,不少于70词.
- 10模仿14课《再见了,亲人》一到三自然段中,选一个人物,以他们的口吻来写一小段.