People travel a lot fly with Air China because they know they will get that they want.They want to go quickly and safe,across the country,across the sea and rightly,across the world-and they know Air China would offer best service to every guest.Air China fly all the newest and finest planes,to many towns and cities in more countries of the world than any airline.Air China is second of none.
People travel a lot fly with Air China because they know they will get that they want.They want to go quickly and safe,across the country,across the sea and rightly,across the world-and they know Air China would offer best service to every guest.Air China fly all the newest and finest planes,to many towns and cities in more countries of the world than any airline.Air China is second of none.
People travel a lot 【flying】 with Air China because they know they will get 【what】 they want.They want to go quickly and 【safely】,across the country,across the sea and rightly across the world-and they know Air China 【will】offer【the】best service to every guest.Air China【flies】all the newest and finest planes,to many towns and cities in more countries of the world than any 【other】airline.Air China is second【to】none.
People travel a lot 【flying】 with Air China because they know they will get 【what】 they want.They want to go quickly and 【safely】,across the country,across the sea and rightly across the world-and they know Air China 【will】offer【the】best service to every guest.Air China【flies】all the newest and finest planes,to many towns and cities in more countries of the world than any 【other】airline.Air China is second【to】none.
- 1请问以下词语的反义词:从容不迫;绝处逢生;不同凡响.
- 2张鹏同学去书店购买图书共用去98.5元,其中买作文辅导书用41.7元,剩下的钱买了8本画,平均每本画册多少钱
- 3no way to get out one
- 4两匹小马分别沿和两岸啦一条船前进,拉力分别为400n,320n且分别于水平方向的夹角为60,30一个小孩为使船在河岸中沿河岸行驶,求小孩施加的最小力和方向
- 5犭字旁的字有哪些-百度
- 6两个人握1次手3个人握3次手,4个人握6次手,n个人握多少次手呢?
- 7如何提高酯化反应产率
- 8I need some ____(help) with my homework.
- 9Can you tell me _____ ( where / how long / when ) the program is on?
- 10A,B两地相距45千米甲乙2人骑自行车分别从A,B两地出发,相向而行3/2小时后2人相遇,已知甲乙速度比7:8,问价甲比以每小时慢多少千米
- 1通常用10度来作为度量角的单位这句话对吗?有谁知道?急
- 2英语翻译
- 32.He soon had them all ____ (laugh)
- 4丙烯和溴水发生加成反应后的同分异构体又几种
- 5How to improve our communicationability 100字 英语作文
- 6若a=-(2009×2009-2009/2008×2008+2008),b=.,c=.,求abc=?
- 7> 为什么雷声比闪电慢
- 8关于匀速圆周运动的下列说法中错误的是( ) A.线速度大小不变 B.角速度不变 C.周期不变 D.向心力不变
- 9想请教一下关于几何画板画图的问题.怎样用几何画板画出f(x,y)的双变量方程的图像?
- 10五分之三平方分米等于多少平方厘米