The most important use of drifting (漂流) bottles is to find ocean currents.When the position and direction of currents are known,ships can use the forward movement of a current or stay away from currents that would carry them off their course.Benjamin Franklin was one of the first to use bottles in the study of currents.He wondered why British mall ships needed a week or two longer than U.S.ships needed in order to cross the Atlantic Ocean.Franklin thought the Gulf Stream (墨西哥湾流) might explain this difference.
Franklin talked with captains of U.S.ships.He found that they knew each turn of the Gulf Stream.They used the current in every possible way.From his talks with the captains.Franklin made his first map of the Gulf Stream.Then he checked his map by using sealed (密封的) bottles.The map that he finally made is still used,with only a few changes,today
The most important use of drifting (漂流) bottles is to find ocean currents.When the position and direction of currents are known,ships can use the forward movement of a current or stay away from currents that would carry them off their course.Benjamin Franklin was one of the first to use bottles in the study of currents.He wondered why British mall ships needed a week or two longer than U.S.ships needed in order to cross the Atlantic Ocean.Franklin thought the Gulf Stream (墨西哥湾流) might explain this difference.
Franklin talked with captains of U.S.ships.He found that they knew each turn of the Gulf Stream.They used the current in every possible way.From his talks with the captains.Franklin made his first map of the Gulf Stream.Then he checked his map by using sealed (密封的) bottles.The map that he finally made is still used,with only a few changes,today
漂流瓶最重要的作用是发现洋流.当知道洋流的地点和方向后船可以依赖向前的流向前进或者远离哪些能带着船离开他们航线的洋流.本杰明富兰克林是最早的一批用漂流瓶来研究洋流的人. 他诧异为什么英国的船穿越大西洋要比美国的船穿越大西洋多用掉1~2礼拜.富兰克林认为墨西哥洋流大概能解释这个差异.
他与美国的船长交谈后发现他们知道洋流的每一个转向.他们尽可能的利用洋流.从他与船长的谈话重他得出了第一张关于墨西哥洋流的地图. 然后他利用漂流瓶验证他的地图.今天仍然在运用他制作的那张地图,only with a little bit difference.
=.= OTZ.plz..come on guys..
他与美国的船长交谈后发现他们知道洋流的每一个转向.他们尽可能的利用洋流.从他与船长的谈话重他得出了第一张关于墨西哥洋流的地图. 然后他利用漂流瓶验证他的地图.今天仍然在运用他制作的那张地图,only with a little bit difference.
=.= OTZ.plz..come on guys..
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